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BF2 Points?

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  • BF2 Points?

    Hello All,

    Being a "n00b" to the whole Battlefield thing, I appoligize if this has been covered already.

    I was wondering what the point breakdown is in BF2. For instance; how many points are awarded for capturing a Control Point? Or how many points for destroying the enemy's radar? How many points for a kill? And so on.

    Is there a list of how points are calulated?


  • #2
    2 points for a kill, 2 for neutralizing a flag, 2 for capping a flag, 1 for driver kill assist, none for destroying commander assets (at least until 1.03 comes out), and i think 1 for flag defend. i may have missed some, so others out there, try and help me out =P


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jeebus007
      2 points for a kill, 2 for neutralizing a flag, 2 for capping a flag, 1 for driver kill assist, none for destroying commander assets (at least until 1.03 comes out), and i think 1 for flag defend. i may have missed some, so others out there, try and help me out =P
      1 for flag capture/netralize assist
      1 for heal, 2 for revive


      • #4
        2 for flag defend isnt it?
        1 for capture/neutralize ASSIST
        2 for a revive
        1 for heal point/ ammo giving point / repair point

        hope this helps



        • #5
          2- Capture/Neutralizing, Revives, Kill
          1- Defending, Cap/Neut Assist, Driver Kill Assist, Kill DMG Assist, Heal/Repair/Ammo Giving, (In 1.03 I think you get 1 pt for Destroying Comm. Assets)
          -2 - Team damage (Vehicle of personal)
          -4 - TK
          -6 - Punished TK


          • #6
            oh and its -2 for suicide


            • #7
              damn them negatives are stiff, yikes


              • #8
                Thanks All. See you on the Battlefield™

