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Autobalance and dropping from games to avoid a loss stat

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  • Autobalance and dropping from games to avoid a loss stat

    Have you ever been a few tickets from the end of a game on the winning side and been killed only to spawn on the losing side in time to lose?

    I have :|: 4 seperate games now thats happened to me. Sure I keep my score but having spent the past 30minutes or so trying my best to help my team win only to be shoved onto the losing side just makes me mad.

    So I started wondering why does it keep happening? Why am I suddenly being switched to the losing side near the end of a game apart from the obvious autobalance server setting kicking in. Why are so many people dropping from the losing side just before the end........

    Then I tried an experiment and noticed if I leave a game before its over my stats for that game are not recorded and the loss is not recorded aswell. Isn't this kind of an exploit? If youre about to lose drop from the game so you don't get to show yourself losing and to hell with the stats if you where losing you probably had a bad death ratio anyway.

    Don't you think quitting players should still have their stats recorded and get an automatic loss in the game if they have played for 10minutes or more and quit before the end?

  • #2
    yeah, thats happens to me, far to often, or it makes me angry when theres auto balance on and it is incredibly hard to get all your friends on the same team with out anybody being switched.


    • #3
      You might want to check those stats later.. Sometimes it takes a while for it to update... You might think it's not updating but just aren't waiting long enough...

      I've been kick/banning a lot of tards on the cch server for team switching at the end of a match to get on the winning team... (which is awesome, 'cause then the next map starts out as something like 10 on 6 on a 16 player server)...


      • #4
        Originally posted by FrostPaw
        Have you ever been a few tickets from the end of a game on the winning side and been killed only to spawn on the losing side in time to lose?
        Yeah, it has happen to me several times, and it annoys me no end; and not because of stats or anything because individual stats aren't really affected by this, but because it's darn disorienting as all out!

        Not only that, it's also glitched. Case in point, I was playing on the US team on one of the two urban maps, I die, and when I respawn, unbeknownst to me, I was on the MEC team. I spawn in on the little island with the heli and it had just taken off. I jump in the AA turet and it locks on (IT SHOULDN"T LOCK ON TO A FRIENDLY, BUT IT DOES), so I fired a couple of times and killed everyone. Understandably, massive punishment was heaped upon me. :evil: :cry:

        And to add insult to injury, given the server decided to switch me moments before the round ended, I had no chance to make up the lost points.


        • #5
          This happens because of the crappy autobalance feature.


          • #6
            ive found some great servers which are ranked, dont have autobalance and have tk punish disabled. Im not gonna say which as no doubt the ea spies are around but look hard enough in the server list you will find them.

