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What if?

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  • What if?

    Well I just owned Kubra Dam

    I didn't get my points or my valorous unit ribbon. Is there like an email where i can see if the server was down that i can get that updated. I have never had 123 points in a round, and well so its obvious it wasnt updated.

    anyone know anything aobut it?

  • #2
    isn't there other stuff u must do to get that ribbon?


    • #3
      give it time. they dont always update right away, it may take a few hours.


      • #4
        ya, it took me almost 24 hrs the other day to get all my points in, but they ALL eventually showed up


        • #5
          i hope so, i dont get that many 123 points in map


          • #6
            question is do you have 25 hours as squad leader and 25 hours as a squad member ? if not then no soup errr badge for you oh and sorry not to rain on your parade but ive got 134 as my highest for kubra dam 123 is easily obtainable.


            • #7
              Originally posted by andy2006
              question is do you have 25 hours as squad leader and 25 hours as a squad member ? if not then no soup errr badge for you oh and sorry not to rain on your parade but ive got 134 as my highest for kubra dam 123 is easily obtainable.
              Aren't you cool, yes i do have 25 and 25 I GOT THE BADGE, it just didnt show up yet


              • #8
                Their are more stuff you need to do to get the ribbon.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by andy2006
                  question is do you have 25 hours as squad leader and 25 hours as a squad member ? if not then no soup errr badge for you oh and sorry not to rain on your parade but ive got 134 as my highest for kubra dam 123 is easily obtainable.

                  I bet your E-Penis is HUUUUUUUGE. :laugh:


                  • #10
                    It will show up eventually. The fact that you posted your score is just rediculous. It's not even THAT special. Sheesh.

