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BF2 & Teamspeak?

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  • BF2 & Teamspeak?

    I'm heavily active it tournament play rather than pub play. Therefore i always need a headset readily available during battles and practices. I never had a problem with BFV or BF1942 & teamspeak, its always worked fine. However, once i got BF2, i noticed i can BARELY hear teamspeak while i am playing. It sounds extremely laggy, and i can only hear bits and pieces. That was on an "older" computer. However, i just purchased a new computer and i still have the same problem.
    AMD 64 3000
    1536 MB Ram
    160gb HD
    Creative Audigy 2zs
    Logitech USB Headset

    The motherboard came with built in audio, and i didn't uninstall the software that came with it, however i did disable that audio function so that i can use it in the future if needbe.

    Anywho, i can hear bf2 fine, i can hear commanders and such fine through the headset. I can hear teamspeak fine when i'm not playing. Its only when i'm trying to use teamspeak and bf2 at the same time that i experience a problem.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    I bought one of those Logitech USB headsets for when I was playing BF1942 & DC and it kept ***in up the sounds my game... but everytime I unplugged em the sounds ran smoothly again.

    In that situation the USB headset was conflicting with the sound card that I had in. But I've been wary about USB headsets ever since.

    Try another headset 1st mate and see if u still get the same problem. If u don't then u know it's the headset. If u do then at least u can eliminate the headset as a problem and look at ur system... update ur MB drivers etc.


    • #3
      thanks for the suggestion,
      i was foolin round with the settings in teamspeak, and noticed theres a WAVE output and a Direct Sound output. I had it on wave, so i put it on direct sound and i'm running fine so far.


      • #4
        Good to hear you got your problem fixed. Hopefully patch v1.03 will fix the issue with VoIP being messed up for some people. That way you won't need teamspeak or ventrillo to have a reliable source of voice.


        • #5
          very true!

