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Crash to desktop

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  • Crash to desktop

    It doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes.

    I'll try to start up BF2 and the BF2 splash image comes up then it goes to black. Waits for a second then dumps me right back to desktop. No error message.

    For a while I could only open it if I chose Play Battlefield Online Now and it would start up. Right now I can't even get in the game at all.

    When I did get in the game ran fine.

    AMD 1.05 GHz
    512MB RAM
    SoundBlaster Live
    Radeon 8500
    Windows XP SP2

    I did a fresh windows install right before I installed Battlefield. Then went out to ATI and Creative and got their newest drivers too.

  • #2
    mine only crashed at the end of a round. sound like video though...

