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Request for a BF2 Movie!

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  • Request for a BF2 Movie!


    Im asking for the biggest communities of movie/stunt makers to make a BlackHawkDown -movie, including the fighting scenes to the bitter end.

    Such as big Project like this, u need peoples who know how to make movies in Battlefield 2.

    Sir. community, im asking u or some other known group to take this project.


  • #2
    Why does it have to be some Known group? I got a group here of about 90 people that are extremely dedicated and we are in the mists of making a movie right now and a blackhawkdown type movie is in the future plans.


    • #3

      Why making a copy of a movie that already exists?
      There are things that you can't do with the BF2 engine (like dialogues, bh with ropes, etc...)

      It's good to be inspired of big movies. But a remake is kinda useless. The original will always be better.
      And when i see such a remake, then i think by myself... damn, this is not good! Because i know the real one.

      BF2 has limitations, and is principally not made for movie making, you will never get something like you can do in a real movie or animation movie.
      The trick is to know what you can do with the game, and build your story around that and not vice versa.
      Have you thought of dialogues in a movie? How will you make it with bf2?
      Something i really regret from bf2 is that it hasnt facial expression, you don't see any movement from the lips when they talk. This however was included in the animation from the previous battlefield games (bf42 and bfv), so it's a real pitty that it has been left out.

      A remake of bhd with bf2 engine, without dialogues will be really a boring movie, an empty movie imho. You can use voiceactors... but then you will need to hire some professional actors to get the same result.

      When we released The Fallen One, it was immediatly a big succes. For many sites it was one of the best machinima ever. We examined the bfv engine and took a closer look at the maps and thought of the best way to make a movie, without giving it a game-feel. Yes, we did add alot of effects but it was only meant to boost up the atmosphere of the shot.

      I like close-ups but in The Fallen One there are none. Why?
      Because the game characters were ugly, and there were so many other things that we just couldnt do in our movie.

      For the one that are interested in The Fallen One, you can still downloade it here!
      click on one of the mirrors:
      The Fallen One




      • #4
        Oh my god. Are you ever wrong! The blackhawks have Ropes that you can repelled down. THE ONLY FRIGGEN PROBLEM IS EA didnt want to have it public when the game came out cause the animations were not done. Well guess what they still aren't done but do you think modders are gonna do?

        By golly where do you get your information. The back of a cracker jacks box?

        And yet another thing. The mod tools have the ability to ADD MORE ANIMATIONS!!!

        So if you want to setup an animation where the mouth moves. just bind that animation to a key not used in the game and vuala.

        Maybe as a modder I should make a mod that is specific to Movie making. There are hardly any limits what so ever in BF2. It can all be modded to better suit your needs.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TAW_DaSniper
          Oh my god. Are you ever wrong! The blackhawks have Ropes that you can repelled down. THE ONLY FRIGGEN PROBLEM IS EA didnt want to have it public when the game came out cause the animations were not done. Well guess what they still aren't done but do you think modders are gonna do?

          Dialogue... THATS WHAT YOU HAVE VOICE ACTORS FOR!!!!!
          By golly where do you get your information. The back of a cracker jacks box?

          And yet another thing. The mod tools have the ability to ADD MORE ANIMATIONS!!!

          So if you want to setup an animation where the mouth moves. just bind that animation to a key not used in the game and vuala.

          Maybe as a modder I should make a mod that is specific to Movie making. There are hardly any limits what so ever in BF2. It can all be modded to better suit your needs.


          Perhaps you should take a look at the movie before you make a complete idiot of yourself. But you already have..


          • #6
            That's a pretty big order dude.


            • #7
              FM Productions is helping out with Impulse Records with Grain of Sand, and Sir. for BHD, what ur asking is too much


              • #8
                Yeah it is to much.


                • #9
                  having watched the dvd today of bhd and the extras disc allthough you mean well i cant help feel it would be disrespectful to the people who actually lost there lives in the most horrendous circumstances. What your asking of the bf2 engine isnt possible and would not portray respectfully the story of those soldiers.The actors you see in the movie portray the story of real people who fought under the most extreme circumstances and when they went in to mogadishu they knew there was a high probability they may not come back alive. Garry gordon (i think thats his name will have to re-watch the documentary) who went in to one of the crash sites knowing very well he wouldnt make it out alive to try and rescue one of the chopper pilots. Garry and 2 other rangers fought off hundreds of somalians for hours until they were swarmed by somali rebels and gruesomly killed.

                  Seriously for those who have it watch the extra documentary on disc 2 of the dvd its a very moving insight into the making of the film.

