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Crashes to desktop help!!

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  • Crashes to desktop help!!

    Battlefield works fine but sometimes when the points are displayed at the end of the round the game crashes to the desktop. when you are back on the desktop its like you never started the game (its not running in the taskbar or in task manager ect.) Im not an expert on computers so if any one can give me help on how to solve this annoying crash please do. Also if anyone else has this problem please post here.

  • #2
    I occasionally have this problem too. I'm not sure what it is, but I would suggest you do the common things to try and solve it. This means cleaning the registry, defraging and check for spyware. Might help a bit.


    • #3
      Ths has not solved my problem please if anyone knows what to do then tll me coz its getting worse i could crash after an amazing round loads of points and just lose them all. HELP ME


      • #4
        Have you made any hardware changes? I had to switch from an Audigy 2 soundcard to the onboard Realtek and started experiencing CtD's. I uninstalled the game all Realtek drivers and installed a new Audigy 2 ZS and now it runs fine. Just my experience.


        • #5
          I get this problem too its not even just after end of the round it happens during a round. And I been playing fine All lastweek and started gettign this problem this week. Only think I did chnge was my video card OC in the utitlites. I put the OC back to normal and I still get crash. pretty weird. On a side note I did the Aperture setting to 256 mb from 128 in the bios and the game SOOO much smoother but it still crashes. So I have the crash with aperture 128 or 256

          maybe its something in the configs? or EA? I noticed I wasnt crashing this bad until after I tried loading the game on my account name and ALL my settings in the controls were deleted... very very weird... so i copied a backup of my config i had saved and pasted it gonna have to try reinstalls and re do configs maunally no copy paste


          • #6
            Re-install/update your motherboard, sound, and graphics drivers. Be sure to use DriverCleaner3 when doing this. Also try reinstalling DirectX.

            If you have an Audigy2 click on the link in my sig to optimize the performance from this game.


            • #7
              i have same problem... crash to desktop at end of round. i saw on some thread here to goto run>dxdiag>sound tabs and turn off sound accelleration for hardware. i did that and just played for a while and no crashes. i do get the sounf cut out a bit in game sometimes and a little pause with it but would rather have that then the crash at the end of great rounds. i have SB Live +mp3 card and i ordered a newer card (an audigy) after some reviews said it played BF2 well. i hope its a strong enough card to put the sound quality on high. that would be sweet. also, i unchecked EAX in the game menu... i think that helped too, but i kept the sound quality on medium. cant wait for new card

