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I can't understand why there's artillery in this game...

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  • I can't understand why there's artillery in this game...

    Hi all,

    Can someone here figure out why there is artillery in this game (I certainly can't come up with an explanation)? It simply doesn't follow the same logic as everything else in the game.

    If someone in a plane shoots at you/kills you, you get a plane and put a missile up his tailpipe (well, after first accidentally killing your entire team, some guys playing on a totally different server, two raccoons and a rare plant because the missiles work the way they do...)

    If a tank shoot at/kills you, you C4/mine/TOW/get a tank etc yourself

    Killed by infantry...say hello to Mr. Knife

    That list goes on and on and there is always some way to fight back/get some payback...until you reach artillery. When you get killed by it, what can you do ? You could go to the enemy base and blow up the artillery but that gives me about as much satisfaction as blowing up an empty tank - that's not payback. You could spend quite some time trying to track down the enemy commander but that's not very efficient and I'd rather spend my time doing what the game is about - fighting over flags.

    Being on the receiving end of an artillery strike is about much fun as when BF2 crashes - you say **** **** **** and then restart/respawn. Where's the fun it that? If I lose a gunfight against another soldier, at least there was combat involved and isn't that why we are playing this game?

    The BF2 Artillery is just like the nukes some misguided people used to ask for in Desert Combat - an überweapon, Rape-o-matic skill involved (in DC, at least you had to aim the SCUD/MLRS...), no risk (unless you count the possible tk:s) as it's remotely operated and does immense amounts of damage.

    The artillery breaks up a game round into many short's like a friggin commercial in the middle of a great movie...some nice infantry combat going on...ARTILLERY STRIKE....allright, let's start again....whoho, excellent combat..Oh oh, run lads - it's arty time again....and so on...

    Sorry about the whining but artillery just annoys me more than pretty much any other problem in BF2 (a close second after the tk/tk punish problem) and I'm just hoping there will be servers/mods without artillery in the future.

  • #2
    esp when commanders waste arty on the lone sniper in the corner of the map.


    • #3
      i kinda like it. :cry:


      • #4
        Originally posted by glasseye
        i kinda like it. :cry:
        Hmmm...being a (previously) silent follower of this forum, I have to admit that that was the first thing you've written that didn't make sense...well, we can't all be perfect


        • #5


          • #6
            Without artillery, full-time commanders get no kills. And feel no power. And it's fun.


            • #7
              I think you'll be seeing a lot less arty with the new patch. Spec ops will be more inclined to destroy it there fore it won't be as available.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Wranger4400
                You forgot to finish the sentence so I'll do it for you:

                Variety is something you're NOT experiencing when you get blown to pieces for the 500:th time by the noobcannon Deluxe.


                • #9
                  Artillery is the best part of this game, love it. It gives teams on the receiving end of a tank or helo rape a chance to even it up. A good cmdr can decimate the battlefield when he uses Arty effectively.


                  • #10
                    i like arty when it doesnt kill me


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DrunkInPublic
                      I think you'll be seeing a lot less arty with the new patch. Spec ops will be more inclined to destroy it there fore it won't be as available.
                      Ahhh - I'm glad to hear that. Just one more reason to really look forward to the patch. Stat-whore away, Spec Ops - you'll be doing us all a favour!


                      • #12
                        If you don't have any of your commander badges/ribbons, you better get them now.


                        • #13
                          I always get over 12 kills in one strike when I use artillary. Plus its being on the recieving end. I like all the shaking and crap.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Wreck0
                            Without artillery, full-time commanders get no kills. And feel no power. And it's fun.
                            When I play as a squad leader, I get less kills because I (try to) stay back from the action so my squad can spawn on my location. That should be even more the case for the commander - he should be a strategist who guides his team to victory - not He-Who-Blows-Stuff-Up-With-Mega-Gun. If there's a need for it, simply give the commander more ways to earn points (maybe a mini-game of pong or whatever...)

                            And it's fun for exactly 2 people on a 64 player server and NOT fun for the remaining 62.


                            • #15
                              It's pretty agrivating, but you can hear it coming; just break away from the pack when you hear it coming down.

                              Spawn artillery. THAT's a whole other story...

