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Can't Install (DVD)

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  • Can't Install (DVD)

    So I went away for LAN a few days ago. there we were going to play BF2, but everybody else had 1.0 installed, while I had 1.02, so I had to reinstall.

    Seeing that the only DVD Drive I have that can even read from the BF2 DVD is a 2x DVD, I installed from a .bin file (that's a little haxxord, Clone DVD, pirated- I'm sorry) This saved me quite a few minutes.

    Anywasys, we playd a few hours over the weekend, and today I got home. So now I want to play online, so I try to patch. That didn't work (probably because it was a Clone DVD edition). So I press the Uninstall, but nothing happened. So I had to Shift+Delete the entire folder, I deleted all BF2 maps in "My Documents" and searched the entire disk for BF2 files, and removed all I could find.

    then I pop in my DVD (the real retail, which I purchased legally), the Autorun starts, and I press Install.

    The Battlefield 2 splash-screen shows up, and then the Install wizard

    that thing.

    Then, Nothing. It all just returns to windows, the Install Wizard just shuts down.

    what could it be? Please help!

  • #2
    Search the forums for a way to uninstall the ActiveSheild.


    • #3
      Originally posted by KingOfKhaos
      Search the forums for a way to uninstall the ActiveSheild.
      will do. thank you


      • #4
        ok, I got. it seems to work now.

        thanks alot!


        • #5
          No problem.


          • #6
            hey gimme the link to where u found the solution. i have same porblem. thnks

