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Flag capping out of limit ?

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  • Flag capping out of limit ?

    I can't remember the server I was but it was ranked. Check out the pic and the flag location - status.

    I join the server and spawn at the US base (the one you can't take) and had the suprise to see that I was taking a flag. Thought that it was a glitch first I didn't pay attention until I took off with the BH and noticed that I was actually capping the flag you can see on the screenshot ! (which is far far away). I had that with other flag's. I asked through the chat if anyone noticed that we could take a flag far far away and they all called me a cheater so I suppose it was a no.

    Weird experience !

  • #2
    Ive had that happen to me aswell but i dont think i was actually capping it, it was just the bar was there.


    • #3
      Yes it has happened a few times to me as well, but I didn't have any effect on capturing the flag.


      • #4
        Well it had an effect for me as I got many points for flag capture assists

