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Supply Crates Breaking when dropped?

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  • Supply Crates Breaking when dropped?

    Would anyone happen to know why supply crates keep breaking EVERYTIME they are dropped? They are not supposed to break right as they touch the ground, but they do... I don't know why this is happening on our ranked server. I'm an admin on the server, but I don't have access to the server files, other than using BF2CC, so I can't really check settings, etc... to find out what's causing this to happen. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Maybe your just unlucky that everytime you drop one something causes it to explode, there are a number of things. moving tanks or cars, arty, nades. cant help you if its a server problem cant imagine that it would be


    • #3
      Dunno why, maybe someones using all the supply very quickly, who knows, battlefield 2 is way to buggy anyways!


      • #4
        I haven't ran into this problem with the server I run - are you sure it wasn't just something happening randomly? I know that if you drop them on buildings or cars or something they usually will explode...but just dropping on the ground they should stay where they are until the supplies run out..


        • #5
          Yeah, at first I thought I was just dropping them on objects that would cause it to break... so I tried dropped them everywhere, on roads, grass, etc... and they still broke. It's pretty strange. The moment it hits the ground, the crate shatters. It's not random either, it's every single time a crate is dropped. I have no idea what would be causing it, but it's pretty messed up. LOL.


          • #6
            My favorite thing to do is to play catch with the supply crate. Of course, it kills you, but it is still funny as hell.


            • #7
              Originally posted by getcrackin
              Would anyone happen to know why supply crates keep breaking EVERYTIME they are dropped? They are not supposed to break right as they touch the ground, but they do... I don't know why this is happening on our ranked server. I'm an admin on the server, but I don't have access to the server files, other than using BF2CC, so I can't really check settings, etc... to find out what's causing this to happen. Any suggestions?
              bug bug bug!

