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Big problems.

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  • Big problems.

    First my specs:
    Pentium 4 3200
    1024 Ram
    Nvidia GeForce 5800 128 MB (driver (latest beta driver))
    No Hyperthreading

    I have installed BF2 and the new patch 1.02.

    When i start the game it goes black and after a while it restarts my computer, and i get a device driver error.

    Sometimes it loads up to the menu, and as long i don't move the mouse the game works, but when i move it, the comp restarts.

    Any ideas ?

  • #2
    Its a memory conflict somewhere. Make sure all of your drivers for your video, sound, and motherboard are up to date. Also the exact device error would be extremely helpful in solving this.


    • #3
      I'm trying that and I'll report back.


      • #4
        Well now I'm sure that all of my drivers are up tp date, even updated my Bios for my Asus P4P800-E motherboard. But the same happend again, everything goes black and i hear that the fan on the GFX card is increasing in speed, and suddenly the comp restarts and is because of this :

        Error Caused By A Device Driver

        Thank you for submitting an error report. Microsoft is unable to specifically determine what caused the problem you reported.

        Blah. Microsoft Thanx for the great help.

        I want this to work, coz I can't get a money refund.


        • #5
          Haha thats Microsoft say "we're too damn lazy to investigate".

          Just start to narrow it down. Make sure when you do graphics drivers you clean them using a cleaning program (IE Driver Cleaner). You seem proficient enough to go about this without much detailed instructions from myself (as you updated your BIOs).

