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A Friend IN Need

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  • A Friend IN Need

    My friend has a Dimension 3000 from hell... Err.. Dell, and cant play BF2 b/c his gfx card sux. I am looking for help on where to get a card. Apparently Dell made it hard to upgrade and has set it up to where only PCI works now PCI-e or AGP.

    the dell site reccomendeed this...

    but i have never seen it anywhere, does anyone use this/ know it works with battlefield 2?

  • #2
    Might as well throw it out, PCI-cards are a pain in the balls, and most companies don't even bother making them anymore, thus they don't support DX 9, and other technologies that BF2 takes advantage of.


    • #3
      Originally posted by KingOfKhaos
      Might as well throw it out, PCI-cards are a pain in the balls, and most companies don't even bother making them anymore, thus they don't support DX 9, and other technologies that BF2 takes advantage of. old comp was basically clinically dead...I had to get something new to keep me going...I'll probably have the money for another comp in a year or least for one that works good...this little ****er I got is WORSE than my old comp...and that one's a 5 and a half year old Dell Dimension L series one...arg....

      EDIT: Not to mention, I've been having problems with this SOB since the day I got it...I didn't start having problems on my old dell until I had had it for about a year


      • #4
        Dell = trash. The only thing I would buy from Dell is a notebook.


        • #5
          Originally posted by KingOfKhaos
          Dell = trash. The only thing I would buy from Dell is a notebook.
          ya, I know what you mean...hell, at least the OLD dells were worth something...mine made it for almost 5 years before I replaced it, and it only had a 7 gig max capacity. and the only reason I'm not using it is cuz I was tired of reinstalling the operating system every 6 months (about the usual time it takes to degrade enough that I'm too pissed to use it like it is)


          • #6
            Meh, Dells were never and will never be good. The only reason it lasted so long before, was you didn't game as much.

