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  • :confused:

    i have a brand new computer my buddy tom built me. it has an overclocked p4 running at 4.4GHz, 550 watt psu, a belkin microphone, a 20" LCD display I got used, 224mb ram, integrated noise card, 100mbps ethernet adaptor, nvidia gtx7800 (256MB) pcix -- overclocked 550/1450 (i think), abit fatil1ty mobo, and other stuff, but thats the main config. i cant get my settings much higher than low, and i get some sys lag there. i just dont understand???

  • #2
    It's because you have 224mb RAM.


    • #3
      Overclocking CPU Ticks off BF2, and 224MB of ram am I reading that right? Thats an insult to your setup, You'll need atleast 1gb to live up to your potential. I suggest 2GB of Ram for this game.


      • #4
        hahah its like having a firarrie body and a geo metro engine, lmao, 224MB of memory LMAO, all that money is doing nothing cause you can barley run windows on that machine.


        • #5
          huh? windows runs GREAT!

          battlefield 1942 runs ok as well


          • #6
            Originally posted by Got3n™
            hahah its like having a firarrie body and a geo metro engine, lmao, 224MB of memory LMAO, all that money is doing nothing cause you can barley run windows on that machine.
            I love car analogies, but yea, I lag get studders sometimes in heavy combat...I plan on upping my ram in the future..but for now Its pretty smooth, no complaints with 1gb of ram.


            • #7
              Seriously now, do you really have 224MB RAM? How do you even get that amount? You'd have to have 128MB + 64MB + 32MB. If you honestly have that RAM then you REALLY need to get more. It's taking the piss out of the rest of your PC. Ditch the whole RAM and get at least 1Gig (1024MB) 2G (2048MB) would be better.

              It could also be your onboard sound that is killing you. Try changing the sound options to low and from hardware to software.


              • #8
                And holy crapoly, Dude make sure you got proper cooling on that mother before you go overclocking your GPU core 200mhz over its friggin specs.

