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BF2 Vet. Stories......

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  • BF2 Vet. Stories......

    This thread is one where we can all talk about our sweetest battles we have encountered. It may sound cheesy but maybe it will turn into something cool, well see. Ill start out:

    Map is Sharqui Penninsula. We are by the construction site (bottom floor). I encounter one USMC infantry (i am MEC). We are about 5 feet from each other, both of us use all our ammo in primary so we switch to our pistols. We then use all our ammo in our pistols we run after each other for a lil with the knife. Finally i run inside and start to reload my AK-101. I get it all reloaded (with about 1/15 life left) and then i see him. Right when i start shooting he gets nailed in the back by another MEC...... Fun stuff.

  • #2
    Should have used your gernade launcher


    • #3
      I flying around (forgot the map name, its an MEC map, the one with all the tribituries sp?) and im dive bombing nailing everything from tanks to those dune buggies, raking up the points (I'm #1 in the server). Every so often the US jumps in a plane but I quickly shoot him down. Well, eventually one guy is getting mad at me and calls me a ***** and that I should come down and fight. I explain to him that its part of the game, and that he should maybee come up and fight. He continues to moan like a 2 year old, so I bail out of my plane and parachute into the fight. I then continue to kill everyone getting about another 10 points until I finally die. So I sent a message saying, "There I fought on the ground and I still kicked your @$$." So I Hopped back into a plane and continued bombing the crap out of him. Needless to say, he was quiet the rest of the round.

      And to top everything off, right near the end of the round, there was a plane attacking our airfield, and a black hawk with about 3 people in it landing at our base, so I go to lock on the plane, and I quickly fire 2 missles, One goes straight ahead to the plane, and the other veers off to the left. I'm thinking, "what the hell is up with that missle, it went astray." Lucky for me however, one missle went right for the jet, the other went right for the black hawk, and there were two simultaneous explosions in the air. Then the round finished, I won, and I was happy.


      • #4
        Knife Badge Story

        I got basic pistol today, it took me 3 tries, but i got there.
        After that i wanted to get knife badge too.
        I tried it on Songhua Stalemate.
        You know the american flag nearest to the mec bases.
        theres a rooftop right across the flag, marines spawn here sometimes.
        I got on there and in 5 minutes i got three knife kills.
        Then the flag was taken so i went away, came across a marine in a cars gun turret, jumped on the car and knifed him.
        after that in got two more knifes.
        10 tickets to go, 1 more victim to go.
        in come across a potential victim.... he sees me, and shoots, misses, empty clip.
        i hop and try to knife.
        he starts popping his small popper, empty
        all the time i'm trying to knife him, but the ping is terrible all of a sudden.
        hard to knife when the game goes at 4 frame per second.
        after the last reload he gets me.
        1 ticket left
        time expires...
        NO BASIC KNIFE, messed up at the very last seconds....

        I got so mad i yelled out loud... this really sucked.. :hmm:

        But i'll try again some time later.. it was my first try, so not bad 6 knifekills.


        • #5
          Karkland: I was on US and took out 3 people in an alleyway with rifle and pistol. Then I started running away cuz there was no time to reload. I turn around, throw a grenade behind me, and run into a bullet. Then I get 4 grenade kills from the previous 3 guys and a medic I suppose.

          Some mountainous china map: I was in a small enemy base and ran out of ammo again and didn't feel like reloading. So I knifed about 3 non-snipers before climbing into an apc and taking out as many as I could.


          • #6
            I was playing FuShe Pass with some squadies who work really good together. We took up the Chinese Attack chopper with one guy piloting and me gunning. Went over to the south east bases where our team was getting owned. As expected we found a Black Hawk whoreing it up. TV missile: 6 kills. Flying around a bit we found another BH, another TV later, 4 more kills . Turn the chopper around and ANOTHER BH, another TV missile and another 3 kills. It was so good blasting those BH whores .

            A little later on the same map I see a spec ops jump in a DPV. I dive in a FAV and chase him a bit til I give up the chase on the cliff above the base on the north side, third base along. The USMC is laying siege to the base and there are tons of snipers on the hill. I jumped out the jeep and go sniper hunting (the commander dropped a UAV). I got 5 knife kills in quick succession there . I still haven't got the badge though

