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I want more single player... question ?

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  • I want more single player... question ?

    Hey all...
    Just got BF2 and i love, it love, it love it...
    First game to give HL2 CS, a run for its money...

    So here is the problem...
    I have all the maps for single player...
    But only for 16 players...
    And i cant change any of the settings either...
    spawn time is always 15...i want 30
    and a few other settings as well...


    Is there a way to get the 32 player and 64 player maps over to the single player side ?

    Also i want to be abble to change the single player settings...

    I love to play online...
    But sometimes i just want to explore a map and play with the computer a bit too... And the 16 player maps are very small...


  • #2
    no no no no no no there is your answer to all your questions. except that you can download mods for 32 player map but your comp might blow up.


    • #3
      my comp is VERY fast...

      Does not even blink at the 16 player maps...
      my comp could probably do the 64 player map if i could get it...

      can you post a link to the 32 player map mods please ???



      • #4
        I have a mod that can increase the number of people in the server but it will still only be a 16 player map. Its always fun having 64 players in a 16 player map. It lags down even my computer though.

        A64 3000+
        2gig pc3200 ram
        SB Audigy 2


        • #5
          thanks bacon...

          but i want the 32 and 64 players... on the 32 and 64 player maps...
          its more about the maps for me...



          • #6
            From what I understand (and it makes sense), Dice only "pathed out" the 16 player maps. Even if you did manage to play the 32 or 64 player maps in single-player mode, it would be no fun because the bots would not know how to get the flags located outside the default 16-player area.


            • #7
              Yea.. And they still havn't released mod tools, so the community can't path 32 or 64 player maps yet either.


              • #8
                Their is no way to increase anything on a single player campain map.


                • #9
                  Since no one seems to be answering your question, I registered just for you. There's a mod at this site . "Mercenaries mod" the 1.5 patch, and a blood patch if you want it. I'm not sure what all is included, but I do know it has 32 and 64 player coop. Hope that helps.


                  • #10
                    I prefer the COOP mod released by codebasher over the mercenary mod, since other than a few crashes, the bots will spawn and pilot the aircraft and stuff that were put as extras... link is here:

