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Support tips

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  • Support tips

    I'm not terribly experienced in this game, neither will I be able to cover everything a support could do, so feel free to add your own tips of course.

    - Standing and Living do not belong together. No matter what, no matter how close the enemy is, drop down faster than a Tijuana hooker. You'll be harder to hit and have a much tighter cone of fire. Ironsights only truly help at medium ranges; closer and it's better to have the open view with crosshairs.

    - Don't aim, feel. When you're prone and firing, don't try to shoot at where the enemy is but where he is going. Although the gun flash will usually blind you, try not to stop and readjust your aim unless you have absolutely no idea what you're shooting at.

    - Money can't buy you love, but ammo packs can. One thing everyone hates is running out of ammo. Doesn't matter if you're using a grenade launcher or the sniper rifle: eventually you'll run out of bullets. What does that mean? You die. This is where support comes in: keep the supplies coming and everyone will love you. So will your teamwork score.

    - Unlock the PKM. This machine gun makes a huge difference for the support class, but you also have to use it differently, too. Holding down the trigger and praying won't help you here since it fires slowly and has 100 bullets. What do you do? Burst. There is no actual fixed-burst, which I love because you get to decide how much to pump out. Why burst? Because the PKM is fairly accurate and powerful, but has a large recoil. Fire around five rounds, then readjust aim. Up close however, hold down the trigger all you want baby.

    - Tea for One is only a Led Zeppelin song. In other words, never go solo. Because unlike those lovable English, you'll end up dead. You're the Support Class; support does not mean getting a big gun. It means you rely on your fellow soldiers to do your duty well. If you run around with others it means more time for you to properly unleash hell without being force fed fresh lead. Besides, it gives you another opportunity to give ammo.

    - There is a motar class within the game: you. True, you can't exactly fling explosives hundreds of meters across the battlefield. But you have the next best thing: grenades. Nearly an unlimited amount of them, too. Glee! Fling them at any little hiding spot where you believe enemies are. Make sure to check that there aren't any friends there, however. They don't like Purple Hearts up thier ass, if you know what I mean. Speaking of teamates, get a few to chuck grenades with ya. Because you know, you are the support and all...

    And now for the very cheap at heart:

    - Raindeer are old. Santa's riding in a Blackhawk. Why, you may ask? Chainguns. Get yourself a gunner position, and you'll get points in no time. Why be support then, since any class would fire well enough? Because you can still give out ammo while repeatedly making gross compensations for your certain inadequacies. Get your engineers in the back, when they're not busy repairing, to fling landmines and grenades at anything they see. They may get a few kills; you get nearly 50 points in teamwork skills for just being in the helicopter.

    There's all the tips I have for the moment...again, feel free to comment.

  • #2
    That last tip is a great one, havn't ever seen that done before. Transforming the blackhawk in a flying minelayer. :P


    • #3
      I have played support almost constantly since I started playing online. One round I got 30-some points just for giving out ammo. It shows in my teamscore Another way to rack up points if you play support is to find an AT guy and stick to his @$$ like glue. Evytime he lets one of those rockets go, drop an ammo pack on his head.

      One thing aobut being support tho, is I wouldn't be a squad leader if I were you. I die A LOT as support. Maybe it's just me, but it's hard to get kills with the MAchine gun.

      And if you're wondering, yes I unlocked the PKM.


      • #4
        Why you keep saying it has 100 bullets so what. The SAW has 200 and it wastes 100 bullets like PKM would 50. But I'm not saying SAW is better because I love my PKM, I'm just stating that people keep saying that the magazine capacity is small when it's the same as the SAW, if you think about it.


        • #5
          Yah, I gues your right, with it's slow rate of fire, it still takes about the same amount of time befroe you have to reload.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Soda
            Why you keep saying it has 100 bullets so what. The SAW has 200 and it wastes 100 bullets like PKM would 50. But I'm not saying SAW is better because I love my PKM, I'm just stating that people keep saying that the magazine capacity is small when it's the same as the SAW, if you think about it.
            There's a difference. With the SAW, spraying and praying helps out more since you fire many more bullets. As with the PKM, while you're right about the magazine size it's still better to fire in bursts for accuracy's sake, which is what the tip was about.


            • #7
              I tried both bursting and spraying and trust me I've been using PKM for a long time and bursting only helps somtimes, most of the times it's just better to aim and hold the button down. I only burst if I know that I am not hitting the guy at all.


              • #8
                :rock: Great guide!

