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Help chosing Corporal Unlock

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  • Help chosing Corporal Unlock

    Hey guys,

    I was hoping you could help me out. I just reached corporal, and i need advice on which gun to unlock. I play medic 99% of the time and unlocked the medic gun for my lance corporal unlock. In terms of other classes, i play engineer in vehicle-driven levels alot, and i play assault occasionally. I will sometimes switch to a certain class when its needed (ie a tank is covering a node, so i will spawn as an AT) Anyway, since I dont really need any of the other guns, I was just wondering which would be the best one to unlock? ive narrowed my choices down to the PKM, G36C, M95, or the Jackhammer. I was thinking maybe the jackhammer cause the engineer is my second most played class, but is there a big advantage to that gun? or what gun would you suggest?


  • #2
    G36C. that gun is great for gettin mad kills. its powerful as she-ot. just my .02



    • #3
      Playing as an Engy most of the time, I decided to unloick the Jackhammer for Corp... Absolutely LOVE it. Shreads people close range. Just don't try to shoot beyond ohh.... 10 meters!


      • #4
        thanks guys =) appreciate the quick responses. given me more to think about


        • #5
          get a gun you can rely on that will drop people. g36c is that gun.


          • #6
            Yeah, based on my past, I would unlock the PKM or the g36C...if you are into helping out your teammates, go with PKM - if you like going solo and doing your own thing and/or teammate stuff...g36 is also a gnarly gun


            • #7
              well you guys have it narrowed do for me to the G36 and the Jackhammer. Im more inclined to go for the G36 cause of all the postive reviews, however i barely use specops..


              • #8
                When u get an unlock, you tend to use the class more. For example, I unlocked the DAO (AT kit unlock). I absolutely love it. I never really used the AT kit much, only when needed. Now I pick the kit simply because of my's just great. Since you play engi a lot..I would go with that unlock since it's similar to the DAO but g36 is cool too and it'll make u play more of that special forces class.


                • #9
                  thanks riggz, think i should probably go with the jackhammer, as i really dont use spec ops that often. granted i may start playing specops more, but i think if i wanted to play a combat role i would probably play more assault and use the m203's


                  • #10
                    jackhammer is a strong choice...........only issue with it is because of its recoil, it constantly goes up so ya, u gotta pul it down FAST


                    • #11
                      G36c just get it! and learn how to use it.


                      • #12
                        Yepp, the g36c is a good gun. I unlocked it, and have played with about every other gun through kit pickups. I find that it is the best unlock with the G3 and L85 close behind.

                        So i say G36C


                        • #13
                          Choose the support weapon. It's got power and accuracy.

