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Not Shooting Medics?!?!

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  • Not Shooting Medics?!?!

    Have any of you seen a person who dosent shoot medics? this serously pisses me off! i was sniping with another player yesterday and he said he got the guy running across the road. Then he said never mind because he was a Medic!!!!

    If you dont shoot the medic the he will shoot you!
    HELL, i shoot medis 1st!!

    If you are a person who dosent shoot medics please tell me y you dont

  • #2
    I don't see one reason why somebody wouldn't shoot a medic.


    • #3
      heh or better yet, wait for them to revive their friend you just killed then kill them both


      • #4
        You shoot the medics after they do the revive, then shoot them both.

        Someone was talking to me abou this the other day.


        • #5
          Originally posted by shriven
          heh or better yet, wait for them to revive their friend you just killed then kill them both


          • #6
            The only time I don't shoot medics is if they are going to revive someone. Then I usually try to see how many times I can kill the same person before the medic gives up or freaks out and tries to run, and then I shoot the medic.


            • #7
              Never shoot medics, shoot the guys they revive. When revived, they return in prone position, and are 'stunned' for about 2 seconds. Just BEGGING for a headshot. Once they die, let the medic run over and revive them again...

              I think you know where I'm going with this, =P



              • #8
                Well in real life I can understand why someone wouldn't shoot a medic. You know for helping a guy and honor and stuff... but in BF2? Who cares?


                • #9
                  Salad, you stat padder!

                  omg, and youre a medic too! how dare ye blasphem in such a way! :P :P :P


                  • #10
                    I know tank whores know better not to shoot medics when they are running towards a falling comrad with paddles on hand. I know it so much that i tested out a guy in a t-90 with a dead guy right in front of him. I start running towards the dead guy and i see the barrel of his tank just pointing at me while i run in front of him. I look at the body then i look at thim just wiating for me to revive him with his barrel now aiming right in front of my head. instead of reviving, i test how long he will wait until i do and i jsut stand there until the body disappears and he finally blasts me.


                    • #11
                      lmfao remy, thats classic. Even though all us medics know that real tank/chopper etc whores know to let us revvie first, I still grit my teeth every time I run for someone who just got blown to **** like, I know its coming I know its coming... and then I revive them and WHAM im down.. lmao.. but at least I got my 2 for revvie


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Remy X.O.
                        I know tank whores know better not to shoot medics when they are running towards a falling comrad with paddles on hand. I know it so much that i tested out a guy in a t-90 with a dead guy right in front of him. I start running towards the dead guy and i see the barrel of his tank just pointing at me while i run in front of him. I look at the body then i look at thim just wiating for me to revive him with his barrel now aiming right in front of my head. instead of reviving, i test how long he will wait until i do and i jsut stand there until the body disappears and he finally blasts me.
                        Oh, that's classic. I admit if I'm in a tank, I'll wait until the medics revive the dude. It's funny watching the bodies fly when you put a shell right next to them. Although, I'm not sure how long I would wait if you didn't make a move.

                        Prolly not that long.

