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Which joystick is compatible?

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  • Which joystick is compatible?


    Which joystick is compatible with BF2 to fly the helicopters and jets?


  • #2
    most joysticks(USB ones) will work with the game


    • #3
      My old cyborg gold stick works fine (its about 3 or 4 years old now) and I have friends using MS joysticks and logitech sticks. Seems like almost anything will work.


      • #4

        I went out and bought and Saitek Evo and I'm EXTREMELY happy (usb), what I've read is avoid Force just interferes and is expensive...moreover wireless blows because of batteries.


        • #5
          I use the logitech extreme. Its great. Or ou can get the wireless version the Logitech freedom.


          • #6
            can someone please explain to me what force feedback is?

            btw, i use a saitekST290 to fly jets and choppers and its great


            • #7
              I use the Logitech Attack 3, its like the extreme pictured above but not as many buttons and is probably about half the price but its still perfect for games like BF2.


              • #8
                I use a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and HIGHLY recommend it. Purchased it recently just for BF2, and the price is WELL worth what you get.



                • #9
                  I use the Logitech Extreme as well, the one pictured in the above posts. It makes flying a jet freakin awesome. Dunno how many times I've been being chased, and ducked under a bridge or crane at the last moment, or flew sideways in between the Nuclear towers at that one map(cant remember the name at the moment but you know the one), only to have my chaser pile right into it/them. omg, funny stuff!

                  However, its not as easy to fly the chopper with said controller, it takes a little getting used to the level of precision. gotta be real careful with a chopper lest you end up inverted, which is a BadThing(tm)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by leadwall
                    I use the logitech extreme. Its great. Or ou can get the wireless version the Logitech freedom.

                    I have that same one its awsome! Only i suck flying can someone help me! PLEASE


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by REIGN
                      I have that same one its awsome! Only i suck flying can someone help me! PLEASE
                      Search in the forums for "joystick" and there should be a few threads on joystick tips.


                      • #12
                        I use a Saitek Cyborg 3D Force Feedback, had it for a year or so and its my favourite one so far. I had the origional Cyborg 3D before it, but got knackered playing too many flight simulators (Microsoft's and Falcon 4). You just need to look at the reviews to see how good it is, most mark it above 8 out of 10. Check here.
                        However this is personal preferance, and I would highly recommend you get one, even if its basic.


                        • #13

                          It's the Saitek Cyborg Evo. Mega 1337.

