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Help with PKM range/tactics

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  • Help with PKM range/tactics

    I unlocked the pkm on my 2nd account after some disapointment with the m95 on my main and WOW. I love it but I have noticed mixed results and could use some help on what the best rage to use at is and close quater combat. One moment I'm capping a squad and taking a flag solo next I cant hit the side of a barn @ 6ft. One moment I'm knocking out a sniper about half block away next I can't hit a humvee 1 Block away so any suggestions would by great on aiming technics usage etc ty

  • #2
    Same thing here. I couldn't tell you but there is a very fine line of too close or too far. I usually pull out the pistol for the farther targets and try to get point blank if there within 10 feet.


    • #3
      Once you get used to it, you can hit anyone anywhere. Kind of. I've sniped people from insane distances out of sheer luck, but generally you want them closer then 150-100m.


      • #4
        Practice makes perfect. Obviously laying down is the only logical way to unleash the true power of this gun. Iron sight you want to still aim in the dead center of the screen. I have found the sights to be slightly off sometimes.


        • #5
          Rate of fire on the PKM is slower than the SAW. So it is better suited for medium to medium-long distances. I think of it as an anti-vehicle gun. On karkand I actually tend to prefer the SAW.

