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Armoured Service & Staff Officer

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  • Armoured Service & Staff Officer

    I'm REALLY having trouble getting these 2 ribbons.

    Anyone got any tips for either? Maps? Server sizes? etc.

    I just want those 2 now because then the only other ones i need mostly require time. Except war college with its 3:1 global K ratio but I will get that with the 50 hours of time as commander needed for it.

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    I got the Armored Service Ribbon in Dragon Valley as US. Just try to grab the tank when the map starts and run it across the water to the island, when you die, get it again (or an APC) and do the same. The 19 kills is the easy part, staying in one for 20 minutes is the hardest part. Dragon Valley is a pretty good map for long games because one the US caps a point, neither team is going to ticket bleed unless they lose all their points. I got the 20 minute time requirement with less than 10 tickets left =/

    For the Staff Officer Ribbon, I did it on Sharqi Peninsula, you will get a lot of Commander points because your team will score a lot of points, Sharqi lasts longer than other close combat maps like Karkand so you have a better chance at getting the 28 minutes.


    • #3
      play on a map that has an uncapturable CP for both teams like FuShe pass or gulf of oman with 24-32 players. i almost got the staff officer ribbon on songhua stalemate, i had 44 commander points (not total score) and had passed the 28 minute time requirement, but my team managed to capture all the american bases and killed all the op force players and squadleaders when they had some 40 odd tickets left, so the game ended since nobody could respawn.


      • #4
        I tried to get the Staff Officer ribbon last night playing Sharqi Peninsula, I got about 57 commander points but the round ended at like 25 or 26 minutes. ARRRRRGHHHHH!


        • #5
          I got the armored service ribbon on Songhue. Two of my clanmates and I grabbed two APC's and a tank. All three of us were engineers and all three of us got the ribbon. It was an armored column running from base to base. We constantly repaired each other and killed anything that moved.


          • #6
            In having trouble with the staff officer ribbon really hard. You need a very good team you need lots of flags capped need lots of requirement accpetances.. bufff


            • #7
              Armored Service Ribbon

              Play Strike at Karkand and tank whore FTW.


              • #8
                or you can downgrade to version 1.0 and play on a 500% ticket ratio server...plenty of time to get the ribbons

