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The Mars Project

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  • The Mars Project

    I have a modding question for all you diehard modders out there. Ive done some random tidbits of modding (skinning, mapping, etc.) for the previous BF games, but nothing quite on the scale of what Im undertaking now. Our mod, "The Mars Project" (at least until I find out its copyrighted or some such nonesense) is nearing a point in creation where we need to know if animated doors (of any kind) are going to be possible. Im guessing that with some clever coding a revolving "airlock" could be fashioned similar to the rotating dish on the radar trailer, but even that could be stretching it.. so I thought I'd ask the experts. I recall animated objects in BF1942, but nothing like a soild door with collision mesh etc. Any info or comments (other than flaming me for not knowing) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • #2
    If you would like to know more about the project.. just ask. We are currently very early in development, and additions to the team are always welcome.


    • #3
      Check out the lada in DC Extended. (A BF42 mod)
      The vehicle was able to be pushed by players. Fixing two pivots on the door (One at top and one at bottom) and configuring the door similarly to the lada might be worth a try.

      Wait until we have the tools. (Unless you were on line earlier today )


      • #4
        Thanks.. Ill definately check it out. Im not much of a coder, outside of common sense stuff, but Im definately going to give this a try. Ill post any relevant solutions I come up with, but it might be a while...

