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Kick Vote Hax

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  • #16
    heres a screen i took at the time


    • #17

      Yep, there are some real charmers around. This guy threatening to ban anybody who mutinied against him being commander as he was the server admin. despite the fact that he wasn't doing his job properly at all.


      • #18
        Originally posted by vulcan

        Yep, there are some real charmers around. This guy threatening to ban anybody who mutinied against him being commander as he was the server admin. despite the fact that he wasn't doing his job properly at all.

        *shrug* His house, his rules.

        If you come over to my house for a party and I sit down in the most comfortable chair and you keep asking to me to move, eventually I'm going to kick you outta my house.

        When you go to someone else's place to have fun, you have to play by their rules. If you don't like their rules go have fun somewhere else.


        • #19
          We had this happen the other day on our Ranked server. I'm an admin so when a kick vote comes up I always ask the person that initiated the kick vote as to why because as you know kick votes never work. He said he didn't put up the vote. Same thing happened again and again to the same person but the person who intiated the vote would change. None of them said they put up the kick vote.

          Then one of our clan guys intiated a kick vote to another. So I asked them on TS whether they were just mucking around and same deal they didn't put the vote up.

          I think that its either a bug or somehow related to pb. It seems that the last person to join auto intiates a kick vote somehow unintentionally against another player. Then as more join its a different guy initiating the vote again unintentionally. It was really strange and getting annoying and like you said people just voted yes after a while but nobody got kicked.

          Just another bug to add to the big list.

          Founder,Senior Admin, BF2 Ranked Server admin (Raging Rebels Ranked 1.02)


          • #20
            I had it happen to me the other day and a little while later I saw it happen to someone else. Literally just joined the server and I look at the vote that pops up and it says I've started a vote against this other guy!


            • #21
              this happened to the the other day i thought a clanmate was messing with me


              • #22
                Once I joined a squad and it said I started a kick vote against my squadleader. I had no idea how it got started.


                • #23
                  Yea this has happend to me
                  A bunch of random people were trying to kick vote me, even on my own team
                  Maybe cause i was owning too hard after getting 1st like 5 maps ina row


                  • #24
                    Yeah this has happened to me.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kornkob
                      *shrug* His house, his rules.

                      If you come over to my house for a party and I sit down in the most comfortable chair and you keep asking to me to move, eventually I'm going to kick you outta my house.

                      When you go to someone else's place to have fun, you have to play by their rules. If you don't like their rules go have fun somewhere else.
                      I wasn't asking anybody to move, just thought it funny that members of his own clan initiated the vote to kick him. I could really care less what other people do in their own servers.

                      I'm just amazed at how petty people get over a dinky little game, that awards non-existant, pixealated rewards.


                      • #26
                        a good server has disabled this option.
                        it's pointless and irritating if you ask me.


                        • #27
                          Again-- his house his rules. If the admin doesn't like it when people start a mutiny vote (which is like asking the host to get out of his comfy chair) and decides to kick people out as a result I'm not seeing where anyone has any reason to get bent out of shape.

                          Again--- you go to someone's house you play by his rules.


                          • #28
                            Your analogy does not fit here. Just because he is admin does not mean he "owns" the commander position, especially if its on a ranked server. Sounds like you are an immature admin yourself.


                            • #29
                              TKing is never the answer. You just stooped to his level. Let him TK and then vote kick him.

