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My review on the G3a3

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  • My review on the G3a3

    Heres my review on the G3a3.

    Ok all you assault freaks, heres your choice of a gun. To be honest it is not the best looking, but it packs a punch.

    The g3a3 has a 20 round clip and no 203 launcher. But dont knock it just yet, it has alot to offer.

    PROS and CONS-

    The sheer power, it only takes 3 torso shots to kill, (basically three registerd hits). Of course this power comes at a price. On full auto this gun has a retarded recoil system. It goes everywhere, (this is in iron sight). It becomes really annoying when someone is running towards you and all your shots are wasted, not a major flaw. but one you will see often.

    Alas, put the gun on one shot and you have a scopeless sniper rifle. ITS GREAT!

    The 20 round clip. WHY O WHY. Only 2 or 3 more bullets and it will be great. Just the 20 round is always too little. In strike of karkland facing multiple enemies is useless! I have to keep my distance, which spoils the fun .

    No 203! A major major flaw. The grenade launcher always gave assault the edge in firefights. Now its gone you dont have it and you are always easy pickings for spec ops hunting you.

    A obvious pain in the grass is the fact that assualt is not a specialised class. You can kill and not much more. With engineer, spec ops, support, and medic you can get rewards and useful devices. With assault the most useful thing in my opinion was the 203.....

    All in all this gun will not dissapiont, but the 203 and clip will leave you begging for your M16. To be honest I will recommend it as a second unlock, as you need some experience under your belt to be effective with it.


  • #2
    203 is a CQCB noob response... they need to crank up the splash damage on that sucker...


    • #3
      they need 2 crank up the splash dammage on everything (but not arty)


      • #4
        i play assault for the 203 thats why i never got the G3 :laugh:


        • #5
          I unlocked the G3

          I like it personally cuz it requires skill. It does do very good damage, and has very good accuracy for med/long range. I like it though cuz u REALLY have to pick and choose ur targets. If your in a firefight, do u shoot at random targets running along the streets, or do u wait until ur positive u can hit 2-3 times. THATS why i like the G3, its not n00b-spray and requires incentive and strategy to use effectively. I also got it cuz Burst fire on USMC Assault kills me :P. I also personally like grenades better, i can lob them out consecutively faster than restocking the m203. i can bank it off walls and sink it in camp spots. But in Close quarter 1v1, if u lose you suck! :NOTE: Try using the G3, and playing like u have only 1 life to live. You will find urself playing the game quite differntly..


          • #6
            lol ill try that warrior J



            • #7
              I unlocked the G3 and never really liked it. I just couldn't get the hang of it =/


              • #8
                Too many people play lame. Without the noobcannon, you'll always be at a disavantage. All he has to do is see you, and half a sec later you're dead. You'll probably still be aiming, and if you manage to get off a couple shots, what are the chances 3 bullets hit him? Noobcannon FTW.

                That said, if he misses, you got him. Well, maybe, because he'll be bunny hopping like mad after he reloads. The only way to avoid getting hit by the noobcannon is.....BUNNY HOP!


                • #9
                  GOD I HATE BUNNY HOPPERS WITH A PASSION I saw it tonight looked like a MEC Easter Bunny Convention. But it's funny being a sniper and making them hop into your teammates fire. And really seems to Irk the said Easter Bunny into many many fits


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lirethion
                    GOD I HATE BUNNY HOPPERS WITH A PASSION I saw it tonight looked like a MEC Easter Bunny Convention. But it's funny being a sniper and making them hop into your teammates fire. And really seems to Irk the said Easter Bunny into many many fits
                    When I know it's going to be a crowded area (as a sniper), I get my claymore ready and run in. Then I join everyone bunny hopping, as they shoot themselves (often times TKing ). Then I drop claymores and die.

                    I love when people TK themselves. The best part is seeing someone kicked and banned cuz they got punished.


                    • #11
                      I find the single shot g3 actually better than a sniper rifle at medium range these days, it's not so accurate on full burst in CQB but if you control that full auto with short bursts its the most powerfull weapon in close to medium range imo.

                      I was sat on a building on Karkand last night just single shotting people twice or thee times and got around 15-20 kills before they realised where I was, only thing that really irks me is the low ammo count per clip, im sure the g3 later models upped it to a curved 30shot mag :P


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 21CW Forge
                        they need to crank up the splash damage on that sucker...
                        You're kidding right?


                        • #13
                          Re: My review on the G3a3

                          0.5 deviation added when moving
                          thats a bit high but in CQC you only need 3~4 shots out of 20 to kill a guy

                          40 damage
                          Gosh ,this hirts when you're in mid.range combats(sniping)

                          20 in a clip
                          25 would have been better ,makes you take good use of your ammo

                          I give 9/10


                          • #14
                            Re: My review on the G3a3

                            Full auto the G3 has the least deviation after 3 shots of all rifles in game. There is a trick to the spray and pray with this gun, well not so much spray and bray but a 3 or 4 round burst pulling slightly down and to the left.

                            As for a grenade launcher, no. Sometimes they are impracticle like for example snipers on roofs.


                            • #15
                              Re: My review on the G3a3

                              I like the G3.. it is powerful, accurate, and a demn snioer rifle. In CQC with multiple enemies just drop a smoke grenade back away and toss in a frag or two... not that hard. And in mid range combat it is a gem. Blat blat blat. DEAD! Honestly if you are worried abiout CQC because you only have 20 bullets then you dont know what you are doing. I can kill 6 guys with that clip. i will upload a picture as soon as I can get imageshack to work

