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ONE community aspect that has imporved

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  • ONE community aspect that has imporved

    It used to be in 1942 and DC that whenever I would hop out of tank and repair (as engineer), people would race for my tank and steal it. O r my gunny would hit "1" and take off.

    Has not happened ONCE to me in the 4 weeks of BF2 that I have under my belt.
    Either the noobs don't understand whats going on OR there is better understanding of the game mechanics now in combination with more respect than we ever had.

  • #2
    Probably more respect. In fact, if I see a teammate working on his tank, I will jump in the gunner's seat so he can get some teampoints for his effort.


    • #3
      Thats not true man. That hapens to me EVERY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one time at karkand i drove way back into my spawn and I was squad leader then all of a sudden my tank runs me over. I HATE THAT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU EVER SEE SOME ONE REPAIRING A TANK PLEASE DON'T TAKE IT!!!!!! THEY ARE THAT CLASS FOR A REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :shoot: :shoot: :cussing: :cussing: :ar15: :shoot: :ar15: :ar15: :ar15: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:


      • #4
        Not happening to me as much now, I im in a tank quite a lot(or APC) and If I drive near someone that needs reviving I will get out of my vehicle and revive them. And every time I kept wondering if my tank was going to get nicked by the guy in the top but he just sat there and waited for me


        • #5
          The respect area has improved. At least on the games I have played....if someone has a tank and is repairing it I will jump in the gunner seat to get them points and watch their back just in case something comes up. The vibe is different from the other BF's........good times


          • #6
            Well, you sir are very lucky. I would have to agree that is has gone for the better, but there are still dicks that will steal your vehicle as soon as you step out to repair...


            • #7
              I have it happen to me all the time. I've even considered mining my tank while I repair it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by notbob
                I have it happen to me all the time. I've even considered mining my tank while I repair it.
                Then all you get is a teamkill against you for it. even worse?


                • #9
                  yeah, despite complaints to the opposite, I have encountered a nice level of team work in the inter-class level on public server. especially amongst squad mates.

                  now, that ain't always the case, and I jump right off the server if the "tool meter" is in the red. :laugh: however, most of the servers I have returned to a few times (because they are well run), I have found a real team understanding of how the different classes interact.

                  like support and engies working together in 2 vehicles traveling in tandem. shooting and scooting their way to successive cap points.

                  it's a great game!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by notbob
                    I have it happen to me all the time. I've even considered mining my tank while I repair it.
                    what i do is stand on it. that way if they get the TK, then i spawn as specops plants all my C4's on it and blow him up. Who cares about a TK. Then i wait for the tank to spawn... if hes there i will TK him just because im an ******* and dont care. He can have it when he rightfully gets it and not steal it. I dont care if it spawned and he happend to run faster to it than me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fubz
                      what i do is stand on it. that way if they get the TK, then i spawn as specops plants all my C4's on it and blow him up. Who cares about a TK. Then i wait for the tank to spawn... if hes there i will TK him just because im an ******* and dont care. He can have it when he rightfully gets it and not steal it. I dont care if it spawned and he happend to run faster to it than me.
                      Dosent that just defy the point, lose you points and piss off more people so that in future they will be more motivated to do it again?

                      anyway i think respect has improved alot because of the ranking system. no longer do you see someone go on a mass TK'ing spree as it would destroy their stats and all that you work for in a ranked server. But people shooting me then healing me for points in a non-ranked leads to them getting a face-full of lead so it definatly has inproved in ranked servers.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by iNGy
                        Dosent that just defy the point, lose you points and piss off more people so that in future they will be more motivated to do it again?

                        anyway i think respect has improved alot because of the ranking system. no longer do you see someone go on a mass TK'ing spree as it would destroy their stats and all that you work for in a ranked server. But people shooting me then healing me for points in a non-ranked leads to them getting a face-full of lead so it definatly has inproved in ranked servers.
                        I dont care about points... i lose a hole 6 wow... who gives a flying ****. you can make that up easily. And who cares if i have 400 Teamkills and only 90 hours of playtime. Its the internet.

                        I see people going on mass TK streaks, its called new account.


                        • #13
                          I have a tree in my yard.


                          • #14
                            If someone is repairing a tank I will hop in second seat, or, if I know the person, I will hop in main seat. If I get in main seat I wait until it is almost completely repaired then I hop into second seat so they can hop in and drive off as soon as they are done.


                            • #15
                              **** people who steal tanks, when I hop out to repair me tank, I put a mine in front of it so that if they steal it there ass is gettin blown up. **** em, ill take a tk for it

