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Tons of problems- MD5 during installation, crashes, and I haven't played the game yet

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  • Tons of problems- MD5 during installation, crashes, and I haven't played the game yet

    Hi there, I have bought battlefield 2 a while ago, and I haven't been able to play it ever since.

    First problem - MD5 errors.
    MD5 errors during installation. I have no clue what MD5 is, but I get these annoying errors all the time during installation. The error looks like this:
    MD5Error: C:\EA GAMES\Battlefield2\<various files> Retry?
    And then I get the option to press Yes or No. When I press Yes, I just get the error again, so I'm forced to press No.
    Anyway, the installation is completed succesfully (Yeah, sure) and I'm trying to run the game.

    Second problem - Crashes.
    As said before, I run the game through singleplayer, but with not succes. I just get the loading screen, and back to desktop. When I try to load it through Multiplayer, I get through, pressing Single player and same thing again. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I get the patching failed error.

    Third problem - Patching Failed.
    The old known patching failed error. I can't even use the solution listed in down in the forum, I just get an error in the cmd.

    My hardware is more up-to-date then CIA computers.

    What do I need to do? I'm desperate! I can't play the game. :\
    Please, help me. I've sent EA Games an email, no response, and it was 2 weeks ago.

  • #2
    Come and join us with this same issue here m8

    There may be one or two things you can try or just join in with the post.


    • #3
      Thats a problem with the file transfers from your drive to installation. Your gonna get patching failed since your files wont pass the md5 check, not even for 1.00

      Some people have had success from updating their DVD Rom firmware, others connected external drives and it installed fine.

      Mine will install without errors 99% of the time, but some files will still fail the md5 checks. And thats part of the problem because a normal user would think the game has installed fine, but some of the files are already corrupt and cant be patched. Some of the errors can be fixed with the patch like .ddl's but stuff like Objects_client, Maps_server / client will never get patched correctly.

      Do some searching around these forums m8, this is probably one of the few problems that you will be able to solve with a little effort.


      • #4
        And what about buying a new DVD-ROM? Can it solve the problem?
        And I have already updated my CD-RW firmware, it didn't help. (And kinda messed up my other CD-ROM.)

        By the way, everest says my CD-RW manufacturer is HITACHI-LAG. What does that mean? Hitachi, or LG? :\


        • #5
          Its Hitachi. Not sure one the read-errors though I have that problem with an older Sony that I have. If you have another driver, or can barrow a friends, try that. If it works, then your drive maybe screwing up. (atleast the md5 errors).

          The crashing can be caused by several things, to pin point it, we need to know your complete system specs. Try re-downloading the patch direct from EA, as the one you have may not be complete.


          • #6
            Ok, so when I get to Hitachi's website and search for CD\DVD-ROM Drivers I get back to the LG site, and I've already updated my firmware through there. (Which messed up my other CD-ROM, I don't know why.)

            Next - What do you mean by saying system specs?
            I downloaded the patch from, then it's pure blood.


            • #7
              I believe Hitachi was bought by LG if I'm not mistaken. I need to know your computers specification (ie, processor, motherboard, etc, etc). to help you narrow down the reasons for crashing. To find this, go to: Start > Run > type "dxdiag" and tell me the info on the main page, as well as the display adapter from the "Display" tab, and the sound adapter from the "Sound" tab.


              • #8
                OS: Windows XP Home
                System Manufacturer: MSI
                System Model: MS-6728
                Bios: Version 1.00
                CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz (2 CPUs)
                Memory: 1024MB RAM
                DirectX Version: 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

                Video Card: ATi Radeon X800XL 256MB
                Sound Card: C-Media Wave Device

                It was written in my native language, so the english translation might not be exact.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Darock
                  OS: Windows XP Home
                  System Manufacturer: MSI
                  System Model: MS-6728
                  Bios: Version 1.00
                  CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz (2 CPUs)
                  Memory: 1024MB RAM
                  DirectX Version: 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)

                  Video Card: ATi Radeon X800XL 256MB
                  Sound Card: C-Media Wave Device

                  It was written in my native language, so the english translation might not be exact.
                  For a start m8 update your BIOS version you are running the BIOS version that was first produced when the MoBo first came out, you are not running the latest BIOS from MSI, try and then get back to us.


                  • #10
                    Actually I've already updated my BIOS, but that was before I formatted my computer. (Does the format erase the BIOS update?)
                    When I go into MSI Site it says I do not need to update the BIOS version since I already have it.

                    And something really important I forgot to mention - I tried to install the demo version, and I still got the same MD5 errors. I repeat, DEMO, means NO disk inserted.
                    And of course, how can the troubles stop - When I install (Or TRY to install) Enemy territory I get I\O error during installation. It's like the MD5 error? Maybe it is causing the error for the same reason I get the MD5 errors?


                    • #11
                      MD5 errors during installation. I have no clue what MD5 is,
                      MD5 checks the files that are installed on your hard drive to see if they are compleate, assosioated to the program concerned

                      (Does the format erase the BIOS update?) No BIOS is stored on the motherboard MoBo
                      chip kept alive in memory for as long as the small disk battery installed on your moBo lasts (see MoBo handbook)
                      Normally for bios there are 2 settings that can be saved ... Default...and Custom..
                      If custom then this is normally set by you or the person or manufacturer that built it, set for your specific hardware installed with your computer.
                      If default it will be the basic MSI settings just to get it to post and run.

                      You say.....
                      System Manufacturer: MSI
                      System Model: MS-6728
                      Quote........."Bios: Version 1.00"
                      This. "v1.00", is normally the first BIOS version ever produced the next may be "1.024" for your own peace of mind i would ask in MSI forum

                      Socket A (AMD K7) / KT4AV is the closest I could get to yours but you need to get it right by checking your motherboard and find out the "exact model" by taking the side off with caution. A=KT4AV

                      But do it all at your own risk.

