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Good squad commander..

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  • Good squad commander..

    I played commander today and boy it was a mess, but I quickly learned. I got 67 points because of win, I think the reason for the win is that there was a squad on my team which constantly communicate like..we need supply or we need artillery..etc..I dont usually just fire artillery on just 2 or 3 enemy in sight because once the squad leader request for it you might not have it in time..I scan a lot, drop supplies for tanks and infantry...Any help to improve my commander strategy would be appreciated..

  • #2
    I find very few squads requestiong orders or arty or supplies which really blows becuase when I do play commander I am there to help them but they wont do anything so i'm left to doing that stuff on my own


    • #3
      Also a good tip I found out is this,
      Dont just send UAV without scanning the entire map first...


      • #4
        One of my favorite tips I've ever heard is this:

        If you see a group of enemies gathered somewhere on scan, especially if a fight has just taken place and your team mates were wiped out, target them for arty. Then, once you target them, immediately drop a supply crate into the center of the arty zone. The enemies will move to it to get resupplied, and then WHAMMO!

        The tip works both ways though. I've noticed a couple of commanders doing this. So, if you're sitting at a flag or something with no enemies around and you see a supply crate coming down on top of you, but you never heard the "supplies at your area" call from your commander, MOVE AWAY FROM THE CRATE! Arty will be coming in very shortly!


        • #5
          i only played commander 3 rounds total and i have 138 command points... it's really easy if you aren't incompetent


          • #6
            I have used the "drop supplies in artillery zone" so much and its embarrasing that its incredibly effective.

            The scan and then UAV is very effective for helping troops, but also spotting enemy troops during a scan can be beneficial as well.

            I just wish we could get more people to join squads so they know when an artillery strike is coming in their area. Because, besides the large blinking artillery sign in the map, I send a warning to all squads in the area.


            • #7
              That is why it is nice to get 8-12 clan members on the same team... it works out great, nearly unbeatable when everybody is working in concert.

              Also no TKs from arty!!!


              • #8
                haha, that artillery/supplies thing is brilliant, tips for commander, scan alot, i used scan with uav and its really affective

                edit: forgot to say, when you do arty..some people are retarded and cant see the flashing red circle with the gun in the i usually spam a few messages saying "arty in that area, get out" but sometimes people run into th punish you for tk..but its actually fairly affective, i did it watch, used capslock map and saw plent of guys just getting out of there


                • #9
                  Thanks for all tips, I really have fun zooming in and watching them jump 100ft in the air when they get hit , I also bomb the helo pad for would be stat farmers..


                  • #10
                    Here's another, ultra-simplistic tip that, for some reason, I don't think occurs to a lot of commanders: There's no rule that says UAV has to be centered directly on an enemy flag or single group of enemies. Many times you can increase the effectiveness of the UAV by learning the diameter of the sweep and strategically placing it so it covers multiple groupings of enemies or flag positions.

                    There have been many times when I see a commander place UAV directly over a flag to, lets say, the south of my position where another squad on our team is trying to cap the flag. Meanwhile, my squad is actively defending the flag to the north with no UAV support, and I can see on the map that would the UAV have been placed roughly equidistance between the two positions, it would have adequately covered every enemy in both areas, thus giving UAV support to both objectives.


                    • #11
                      target them for arty. Then, once you target them, immediately drop a supply crate into the center of the arty zone. The enemies will move to it to get resupplied, and then WHAMMO!
                      Great idea - I'm gonna try it!


                      • #12
                        That is a good strat, I will have to try it


                        • #13
                          GatorDawg is correct...don't directly place the UAV over a flag. Most of the time it's very effective to memorize the UAV scan sweep size, and place it where it can help out as MANY of your team as possible. I do it all the time.

                          Also, make sure to request from your commander because not only does it make it easier on him, it gives him more points. (Commander's get points for acknowledging and allowing the squad leader's requests), along with people using the supply crates and arty.


                          • #14
                            After a scan, if I notice the enemy heading for a flag I try to time it so the arty is raining down just after they arrive. Remember, it takes about 15~20 seconds for the strike to hit it's target after you've launched it. I've prevented a lot of CP captures this way. Don't bother sending arty when a flag turns gray(unless it's their last remaining spawn point), the CP will be captured and the enemy will have bugged out by the time the strike gets there.

                            UAV can only cover a small portion of the map so the commander needs take advantage of his scan/satellite view. If you see any enemies near your guys after a scan spot them, it helps a lot. This may seem obvious but, a lot of commanders don't do it.

                            I like to drop supplies BEFORE they're needed. If I see, for instance, that a battle between tanks and APC is about to go down I'll drop a crate for my guys before the enemy arrives.

                            As commander, I find a good hiding place near my assets. If you're out there fighting you can't do your job as well as if you weren't, period. Use the engineer kit. If your assets are taken out and you can't spare a supply crate just go fix them yourself, maybe even take out the spec forces bastard that blew them up and return to your command.

                            These are just some things that work for me personally, hope it helps.


                            • #15
                              Just a good tip about using scan.. always use scan when you have it available.. it loads fairly fast so it's not a big deal to use. But scan is essential for making sure enemy troops
                              don't capture any flags that aren't being defended by your team's men so use scan and spot them out to a nearby squad, this is very good for keeping the battle at where the 2 battling teams flags meet and to avoid flanks and such.

