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fixed mines?

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  • fixed mines?

    (Hey, new to the forums!)

    I was wondering if it was possible to make mines a spawnable object, so I could make some base or field a deadly minefield (yet still navigable). I thought it might add some more stradegy and war-like intensity to the game... maybe? Is this possible?

  • #2
    Hey, welcome to Total BF2!

    It is definatly possible. I would recomend if you dont know much about coding to wait for the BF2 Editor which should be released soon. It would make it a little easier at least. It is really hard right now to add them into the maps properly because you dont know where they are going and such, but you can create the spawnable land mine now if you wanted.


    • #3
      Interesting concept - makes the cappable main base slightly harder to take.

      I like it!


      • #4
        Yeah, I dont like the way they did the mines in bf2, they need to make them burriable and they should explode both personnel and vehicles.


        • #5
          For those who say its totally possible, I wonder exactly how you plan on doing it? Its not a vehicle, static, etc. They tried all the time in bf42, never saw it once in a map though.


          • #6
            If DOX could do it in Tribes

            A modder named DOX did it for Tribes, so I don't see how hard it could be. Hehehe, that alsmot sounds like a slight vs. DOX's skills. The way I see it... when those fancy-schmancy mod tools come around, I'll make an anti personnel mine (M8?) that can be placed by an engineer that would only have a small tip showing after it is placed. What I mean is the collision/intersection of the object would be higher on the Z axis than it's visible bottom. So you're throwing down a larger object... but the primary visible part is just going to drop below the terrain mesh. I'd like to do that with the AT mines too. We just have to figure out how to classify the AT mine as a static object... probably have to "make" a new object for the static-editor-placeable mines. No worries... someone will do it.

            Come to think of it... I want to redo the kit spawn interface too. So much to do; so little time.


            • #7
              Raslin, I dont know if you have modded in the past, but I have and it isnt impossible. You must turn the mine into a spawnable vehicle that has spawning properties, now by vehicle that doesnt mean its usable to hop in and drive around lol. Also, who are you implementing they that worked on it? I never even saw anyone attempt it.


              • #8
                I'd think it might be possible. Just change the mine to a static object where it explodes on contact with a vehicle. Make it a spawnable object, not all spawnable objects have to be vehicles. I've seen kits that spawned and I assume you could do it with a static object, though I might be wrong.


                • #9
                  You dont understand what the vehicle is I was saying obviously. When something can be spawned multiple times, it isnt a static, it is a spawnable object, or vehicle. You think a vehicle has to be a plane or tank. Well it is of course but not in the termology I was using it in.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ice_Man
                    Raslin, I dont know if you have modded in the past, but I have and it isnt impossible. You must turn the mine into a spawnable vehicle that has spawning properties, now by vehicle that doesnt mean its usable to hop in and drive around lol. Also, who are you implementing they that worked on it? I never even saw anyone attempt it.
                    You obviously dont know. I've been modding since 2002, coding for that matter. I was there at with the biggies, like TurdBurglar, Why?!, etc. I remember when Desert Combat was some shabby looking project with big dreams. I remember when _003 was the big discovery.

                    So don't act like I don't know what im talking about, please. Vehicles as mines? Wow, thats a new one! Wait, no, it isnt. I must have heard that suggestion 20 times over. Saying it is one thing, implementing it is another. Try if you want, prove me wrong, I would love mines in such a way. But this has been tried to many times on this engine, and not worked.

                    Btw, whoever was talking about tribes...needs to be slapped. Tribes is tribes, not refractor 2.


                    • #11
                      Raslin, I could break your ego in so many ways but I just don't feel like it.


                      • #12
                        In reply to Raslin:

                        Ok, First I dont know you, I dont know how good of a modder you are, I didnt know you even modded. So until I am until these facts have been revealed to me I wouldnt know how to talk to you. Have you tried making the mine? You are basically saying that because one person tried it its impossible? I obviously dont know? Actually I honestly and obviously do know, I just dont have to prove it to you. In anycase, I was not trying to be rude or disrespectful in any way. Maybe we can get over this disagreement and try to make a spawnable landmine work. I have several other ideas besides just turning it into a vehicle.


                        • #13
                          i think it will work, when you modify the code a bit (im not a coder, but i'm a mapper...) never tried it anyway, but i think it's possible.


                          • #14
                            i think i should be possible like ice man said.


                            • #15
                              oh it should definatley be possible, if I remember back in the battlecraft days there was a list, not a .con but something like that. Anyways it told the map editor what objects to load, so for instance you could add a weapon so it would load a weapon that you could place onto the map, all you have to do coding wise is change the triggertype to MTYpco, so it's triggered by both personnel and vehicles. The code comes off from the claymores. If the map editor works the same way as battlecraft it should be entirley possible.

