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Basic Knife -

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  • Basic Knife -

    This badge is driving me crazy, I usually play at Karkand on 32 man servers but I just can't get this badge

    Is there a trick or a good spot to hide that anyone could recommend

  • #2
    I am also tryin to get this and the basic pistol. It is also drivin me crazy.


    • #3
      karkand's not the map to get it if u ask me, thats a crazy close combat map
      to get 7 knifes in a round u need snipers, i think u want the opposite of karkand, something like dragon valley or fushe pass

      for pistol, go AT or some heavy armor kit with the more powerful pistol, karkand is that map for that i got my basic and veteran on the same round! lol


      • #4
        Not gotten the knife badge yet but the pistol badge I ended up getting on kubra dam. Play as sniper then go hide in the grass beside a highly traveled footpath. As the solo or even duo guys come runin in to take the flag they usually go prone or kneel arond a corner first to check things out. POP dead .


        • #5
          At karkand I got the knife badge on my second go. A good spot is the t-shaped hall next to the first flag. There is a spawn point around there so be careful. You can often stab someone and then stab the medic who is reviving him (because there are always a ton of medics on that level). The other place is right by the stairs leading up from the fruit stand spawnpoint towards the tall building (so your team has the tall building and the other team has the fruit stand. You can lay under something right at the top of the stairs (i don't remember what it is - a phone?). The opponents coming up from stairs can't see you when you stab them in the legs. It can take a few more swipes, but it is effective. The key is to look for a pattern in your opponents. Some teams will rush up those stairs, while others avoid them completely.

          The pistol was harder for me to get, but I also got it on that level. Once again in that hallway by the first flag. I tried as support and assault because of armor, but actually did better as a medic. I layed a bunch of medic packs for myself and ran back and forth over them as I shot with the pistol.


          • #6
            I also got my basic/veteran pistol and basic knife at Karkand. Go US then sneak behind the MEC spawn West of the 1st flag. You'll be able to get some knife/pistol kills easily.

            I also got my basic explosive there. Go US Sniper and put claymore everywhere near the 1st flag. You'll see, its a bunch of kills!


            • #7
              I already got veteran KNIFE COMBAT at Strike at Karkand , just be Medic , run and Kinfe èm


              • #8
                I got Basic / veteran pistol badges on Karkand .. my advice for this one .. join a squad . There's safety in numbers.

                Knife I both got on shongusha stalemate. . Felt like rambo running through the fog with my knife .. Lots o peeps laying between the babmoo .. just begging for your knife


                • #9
                  1)Find a map with lots of active snipers, then go commander.

                  2)Follow the snipers with the scan on full zoom to find where they are camping.

                  3)Sneaky up behind em and throw it up thier arse!


                  • #10
                    I did it on Strike as Mec. That left hill (well, 'left' when you look towards the US base) has a small ridge that you can get up. Once up there, there are always plenty of people prone looking further to the right. Knife 'em, hide in bushes, wait for a small crowd to gather, rinse/repeat.

                    I had so much fun getting basic knife., but basic pistol is driving me crazy.


                    • #11
                      Still need to get those badges, just havent taken the time...


                      • #12
                        If you're going for knife or pistol badges, WAIT till you have 50 knife kills and 50 pistol kills. That way, when you get 7 kills, you'll get the veteran badge instantly.


                        • #13
                          Try it on a 64 player server, more people, more going on, more opportunities. Also, when available use the UAV to your advantage, watch where they are and sneak up on them...


                          • #14
                            i got both my knife and pistol on Shaqi Peninsula in one round which was cool.

                            now i have a new account


                            • #15
                              A little off-topic, but do the badge requirements count continuously, or do you have to do all requirements in one round I mean, like what if I want a Veteran Spec Ops badge, I think I allready killed 20 people as spec ops, so if i play 250 hours, will it give me the badge without having to kill 20 people in one round again ? THX.

