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  • #16
    Re: Balance

    "necrobump"! ROFL!! That's a brillant term!

    I agree with the necromancer; excluding soldner, it is the most poorly polished game I've ever seen. I thought BFV and MOHPA was bad but this has taken the cake.

    That said, sure I get frsutrated at times while playing but I've had some really good times with this game too so I voted more pleasure than pain.


    • #17
      Re: Balance

      More Pain.. Firstly i had to reformat my whole system, update all my drivers and vica versa to just to play the damn game... And now that i am playi ng, i get frustrated when i die... But then again it is great when you get those awesome kills...


      • #18
        Re: Balance

        If they fixed...

        1. overwhelming airpower
        2. people running around with 203/AT
        3. shockingly bad sniper rifle accuracy
        4. chopper flag whoring
        5. spawn raping
        6. too much artillery
        7. weakness of AT rockets
        8. feeble/useless AA weapons
        9. bunny hopping
        10. insta-prone headshots

        ...I would never leave my house again and I would have 168 hours played per week...

        But they won' I'm giving up on FPS for a while

