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Scoring changes I think should take place

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  • Scoring changes I think should take place

    I think that DICE/EA should make some changes, or rather, improvements to the scoring system. Winning teams deserve a bonus whether it is an average of all points or bonus percentage or multiplier. This would increase teamwork and make base defense much more viable. Those who use teamwork and defend the bases are shortchanged in the current scoring system. The ones on the top are usually the ones that are on the frontline and are in an armored vehicle or chopper. A bonus should also be given for winning a game in a short amount of time. Many games on 16 player strike at karkand are won very fast, and the winning team deserves a bonus for winning as well as winning the round swiftly and decisively. The games that currently reap the most points are the ones with constant back and forth fighting and no real strategy.

  • #2
    Giving an entire side a bonus for winning would probably be the end of servers that don't use the auto-balance feature, as everyone would just pile on the winning team once the outcome of the battle becomes clear.

    I personally think a larger radius for 'flag-defend' kills would keep people sitting back and defending more flags. Leave the capture zone alone, just double, triple, or even quadruple the flag-defend zone.


    • #3
      BF2 makes it pointless to try to defend a flag. Magic commander artllery, and magic invisible UAV's, coupled with the fact that more than one man can raise a flag in a stupidly short amount of time make it not worth the waiting and defending. Because of the way they have set this up, the best way to defend a flag is to wait until it is actually teken and then take it back when the enemy goes off to the next flag. Then of, course you don't want to be killed by the gay artillery, so you too leave with your squad and the cycle continues. I think most of us can identify that this has been happening in BF2.

      It has always been difficult to convince teammates to defend ANYthing in these games, and giving the attacker so many retarded advantages only makes it that much more difficult for people to want to defend any flag they have. This game is for impatient people that like to run around constantly and take flags. It just so happens that it is also for people that like to click a button and drop the ultimate noob cannon - commander artillery - on people that try to defend flags.

      Thankfully I won't be enduring this flag-chase any longer when I can mod the game with my fellow modding staff...


      • #4
        Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

        /me thinks you should get more points for destroying vehicles. To me, a tank kill is worth more than a grunt kill.


        • #5
          Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

          points for winning team would destroy the game!!!!

          - when a team is winning everybody would be on that team
          - when a team is loosing everybody is going to leave the team or server
          - autobalance isn't the solution because autobalance sucks hard in BF2
          - when your team is winning and one min before ed of round you get teamchanged, haha
          - it isn't fair ether, you can be a good player but your team sucks, you don't get the extra points.
          - now if you are good, you can still get the gold medal and be the best player of the server even if your team has lost.
          - if you suck, your teamkill, you just stand there, .... but your team is good, after the round you still get rewarded because your team has won the round. but the guy in my point above don't get a reward.

          let the points system be please, it is good as it is, you guys always want extra points for this, extra points for that, extra points for bla bla bla, maybe you should write a letter to EA if they won't give you 1000 points for free or something, just to shut up


          • #6
            Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

            What if you got the "pool" of points, or part of it, based on who you kill?

            Follow me for a sec on this. You spawn camp someone, they killed no one on your team so you only get 2 points for the kill.

            But lets say you kill that tank driver who just killed 30 people on your team, THAT person looses 15 points and they are gained by YOU. So by killing the guy in the tank you get 2 + a bonus of 15 for a total of 17 points for killing him.

            Basically the "pool" of points are split if someone had a kill assist.


            USMC Tank driver kills 30 people on your team. You and another AT guy kill him so you each get split the half you stole from him. The tank driver looses 30 points equal to the number of people he killed. Each of you get 15 points bonus (1/2 of the point because you assisted in killing him), but you get +2 point because you got the final kill and your friend who assisted get +1. Therefore you get 2+15 or 17 combat point and your friend who assisted get 1+15 or 16 combat points.

            Now this means that people will get ALOT of points in games...upwards of 200+ easily. The idea is to distinguish who is killing what? Someone who spawn camps will get 2 points per kill, but someone who kills the guy spawn camping will get even more points!!!

            What do you think?


            • #7
              Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

              Originally posted by Harmor
              What if you got the "pool" of points, or part of it, based on who you kill?

              Follow me for a sec on this. You spawn camp someone, they killed no one on your team so you only get 2 points for the kill.

              But lets say you kill that tank driver who just killed 30 people on your team, THAT person looses 15 points and they are gained by YOU. So by killing the guy in the tank you get 2 + a bonus of 15 for a total of 17 points for killing him.

              Basically the "pool" of points are split if someone had a kill assist.


              USMC Tank driver kills 30 people on your team, he so far has 60 "pool points". You and another AT guy kill him so you each get split the half you stole from him. Each of you get 15 points bonus, but you get +2 point because you got the final kill.

              Now this means that people will get ALOT of points in games...upwards of 200+ easily. The idea is to distinguish who is killing what? Someone who spawn camps will get 2 points per kill, but someone who kills the guy spawn camping will get even more points!!!

              What do you think?

              I don't know if you ever had to leart to calculate in school, but if you would use the scoring system you say here, well, then almost everybody would heve the same score, or at least both teams would have the same score for shure because you constantly build up the pool and it can only be drained by the other team (get it ??)

              Also, someone who is playing the whole round, doing good, has like 50 points.

              Then someone comes in the last min of the round, just at the right place, kills someon, this person just broke his kill streak record of like 25 kills, so the new guy gets 50 points for playing 10 sec in game ??????????????????

              this is th whole point, the team or the person who kills the most, gets the most points


              • #8
                Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

                Perhaps the higher rank of the person you kill, the more points you get?


                • #9
                  Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

                  Originally posted by DLWebmaestro96
                  Perhaps the higher rank of the person you kill, the more points you get?
                  please, and when having a higher rank you constantly get hunted like hel.

                  why do you guys always whine over getting more points ? the points system is good, you are just frustraded because you don't rise up in rank every god dam round you play


                  • #10
                    Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

                    Originally posted by rombaft
                    this is th whole point, the team or the person who kills the most, gets the most points
                    Going back to my example that USMC tank driver who killed 30 people also got all the pool points for everyone he killed. The LEAST amount of points he would have is 30 (60 minus the 30 he lost when he died), if EVERY person he killed had never killed anyone.

                    This is a different system for points and I wouldn't think they would implement something like this on a ranked server, rather a mini-mod that had this system in place. It lets you know who was really killing the people who were killing your teammates.


                    • #11
                      Re: Scoring changes I think should take place

                      Originally posted by Harmor
                      Going back to my example that USMC tank driver who killed 30 people also got all the pool points for everyone he killed. The LEAST amount of points he would have is 30 (60 minus the 30 he lost when he died), if EVERY person he killed had never killed anyone.

                      This is a different system for points and I wouldn't think they would implement something like this on a ranked server, rather a mini-mod that had this system in place. It lets you know who was really killing the people who were killing your teammates.

                      yes, but only the last person who kills gets all the pool points, get it?

                      so a person with only 1 kill can have more points then a guy with 50 kills , because the pool points go on.

                      problem is you only think 1 kill

