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Two man teams

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  • Two man teams

    I was just curious what many of you feel makes a good two-man-team.

    The reason I ask is because my brother and I like to form a two-man-team when we play. He takes Spec Ops, and I take Support. Our objective is to keep the enemy UAV, Scan, and Artillery down. He uses C4 of course, and I refill his Ammo.

    I act as Squad Leader so he can respawn on me, and should he run into problems, he retreats towards me, passing me up, and many times I take out the enmy that is going for the easy kill.

    The two of us are capable of keeping the enemy commander blind and impotent for the majority of the battle this way.

    What two-man-team do you all feel is best, and why, and perhaps you could tell us all what tricks the two of you use that make this such a strong combination?

  • #2
    Originally posted by ==Joatmon==
    I was just curious what many of you feel makes a good two-man-team.

    The reason I ask is because my brother and I like to form a two-man-team when we play. He takes Spec Ops, and I take Support. Our objective is to keep the enemy UAV, Scan, and Artillery down. He uses C4 of course, and I refill his Ammo.

    I act as Squad Leader so he can respawn on me, and should he run into problems, he retreats towards me, passing me up, and many times I take out the enmy that is going for the easy kill.

    The two of us are capable of keeping the enemy commander blind and impotent for the majority of the battle this way.

    What two-man-team do you all feel is best, and why, and perhaps you could tell us all what tricks the two of you use that make this such a strong combination?
    Do you play with your brother in the same house at the same time?


    • #3
      There are a number of variations for 2-man teams, but your sweet spot is the 3-man team. Essentially, all squads should have at least one medic and one support. Even those two alone can cause some headaches for infantry. Couple them with any other kit except for sniper and you have a good starting mix. Here are some breakdowns:

      1. Support + Medic + Antitank
      This trio is great for urban maps where ground vehicles are predominant. The AT kits walks in front, the Support right behind him to keep him stocked with rockets, and the medic trails to cover the rear. If the front men stumble across an ambush or the business end of a tank barrel, the medic can revive them.

      2. Support + Medic + Special Forces
      As you mentioned, this group is good for taking out the enemy's tactical assets. Have the Support and Medic hide behind cover as the SF kit runs out and demolishes equipment. Once the C4 is planted, the supporting kits should move to another location to watch for flanking defenders. Nine times out of ten, this group can walk away from the enemy's base with all of his equipment smoldering. Want to make it more interesting? Have the SF kit place C4 on the jets and helos to take out unsuspecting pilots.

      3. Support + Medic + Engineer
      Can you say "mine spam"? This crew can hold off a base entrance with no hiccups. Bring along some armor to hold it down and you'll see the Engy really shine as he patches it up between skirmishes. I suggest only doing this if you have SAMs at your site.

      4. Support + Antitank + Engineer
      Same as the previous group, but you're screwed if someone is killed. At least with this kit you stand a better chance of taking down helos and tanks.

      5. Special Forces + Antiank + Engineer
      Ain't nobody comin' into this base...


      • #4
        My brother and I play together all the time. There are a few combinations that we find fun and useful.
        • As you said Spec Ops + Support. Work on taking down the enemy commander equipment, and keeping it down.
        • Engineer + Support in an attack copter. We go around and destory enemy tanks, gun down infantry, and destroy opposing forces. Because of our kit choices, we can hover over a friendly tank to repair and resupply it. We can also hover over our own commander equipment for a few seconds, and it will repair itself.
        • Classes don't matter in this one. We each take a plane, and dominate the skies. We bomb heavily crowded enemy bases, as well as bomb incoming squads to keep our flags. Additionally, we can easily achieve air superiority by working together. Our personal favorite.
        • Medic + Support infantry. We just go around and capture flags. We take strategic positions to make sure that if one of us dies, the other one can easily avenge their deaths. We heal and resupply each other. If the support dies, the medic will revive him. If the medic dies, the support will grab his kit, revive him, and we switch places for a bit. Very useful.
        • Medic + Engineer blackhawking. You'd be surprised at how powerful a 2-man blackhawk is. Though not as powerful as one that has more people, it's still a formidable opponent. I'll point the side my brother's at towards incoming troops, and he'll take care of the rest. When we need repairs, I'll fly away and he'll make repairs from one of the back seats. Also, when people see the blackhawk getting used, they tend to join you, and you'll be BHing in no time.
        • Support + Assault. He uses his grenade launcher, while I use normal grenades. I restock us as soon as necessary. Grenades are devastating when you meet a group of closely packed people.

        All I can remember off the top of my head.



        • #5
          Wow, wish I could have someone to play with me ...


          • #6
            Re: Two man teams

            Originally posted by nikorasu(cz)
            Wow, wish I could have someone to play with me ...
            Have you tried putting a pork chop around your neck? Maybe, then, you could get a dog to play with you?


            • #7
              Re: Two man teams

              I play as a two-man squad frequently when some of my other buddies can't make it.

              He tends to play support and I will vary my kit between anti-tank, assault, and medic.

              It works fairly well if the support member is the squad leader and always stays back and provides cover fire.


              • #8
                Re: Two man teams

                Best twoman teams i my opinion is a meic and a spec op.

                Medic for staying both alive and in good health
                spec op for blowing up vehicles
                both have good rifles

                And when running out of ammo, just take some from a dead enemy, there are always lying dead corpses


                • #9
                  Re: Two man teams

                  Yeah my brother and I play together quite a bit as well. Usually I play medic and he plays spec ops, or he plays medic and I play support. Sometimes when we just want to take it easy, we both play sniper.


                  • #10
                    Re: Two man teams

                    Originally posted by nikorasu(cz)
                    Wow, wish I could have someone to play with me ...
                    just do it yourself you sick lonely bastard

                    man i'm drunk and its only 11 in the morning


                    • #11
                      Re: Two man teams

                      sometimes we have only 2-3 guys in TS, and have put together some nice combos... most of which were mentioned already.

                      One particular clanmate and I will sometimes go Engy/Engy, take a Tank/APC, stay close, and rape armor... took out 2 tanks, 1 apc, 1 linebacker this way while the 2 of us stayed close enough to each other to keep the repairs going....


                      • #12
                        Re: Two man teams

                        Two-man teams? You do your thing, but I'd rather have a two-woman team.

