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Battle Recorder?<There was an error parsing URL>

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  • Battle Recorder?<There was an error parsing URL>

    On about half of the battles I get bookmarked from battle recorder give me this message when I go to download... Does anyone know if there is a setting or something I may be doing wrong...? It reads,

    <There was an error parsing the URL> ...WTF, I have some sweet footage I need to download... please help... Thx, Scorpion

  • #2
    All of my bookmarks have this error. After looking at the server.con files, I can see a place where the server operator is supposed to fill in the base url for saved bookmarks. Evidently, many forget to fill this param in.

    I only tried a few servers w/the battlerecorder thing on. Which servers have you found that *do* have bookmarks you can load?


    • #3
      I downloaded a couple today. Hugh is right, most server admins activate battlerecorder but don't supply a valid path for the recorder files. ASE has a filter for this.


      • #4
        anytime i try to view a bf recorder demo file since the 1.02 patch the game crashes to desktop or it wont allow me to download from the server.


        • #5
          Yeah, I haven't seen a single recorded game yet... they all have errors when I try to download it.


          • #6
            I finally found a server that does have the base url filled -- "EA |WSS| Clan Ranked #1", so I have some bookmarks that are valid url's. Unfortunately, the bf2demo files don't exist.

            If someone has actually been able to download a recorded demo (via bookmark), could you post the server name?


            • #7
              Hugh G. Wrection. Can u give me the IP?


              • #8
                Well, if it's not showing up anymore in the server browser, I can't get the IP. Did you search on "WSS" or something? Here is the bookmark itself:

                LocalProfile.addDemoBookmark "EA |WSS| Clan Ranked #1" "kubra_dam" "" "2005-07-27 09:21:01"

