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Points for winning?

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  • Points for winning?

    Should everyone on a team get bonus points for that team winning? I don't think it should be 2x like the commander, but maybe a percentage of your score. Say a 25% or 10% bonus. This would encourage poeple to hold positions as well.

    What do you think?

  • #2
    not a bad idea...its definitely more incentive for ppl to actually try and win instead of just stat-whoring the whole time with a buddy

    but its also a bit unfair if you and a single squad do all the work to get the win, and a bunch of teammates who were dicking around get the bonus points as well


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jeebus007
      not a bad idea...its definitely more incentive for ppl to actually try and win instead of just stat-whoring the whole time with a buddy

      but its also a bit unfair if you and a single squad do all the work to get the win, and a bunch of teammates who were dicking around get the bonus points as well
      That's why you base the score on a percent of points earned. The more you do, the more you earn.

      I say 25% bonus.



      • #4
        I was exactly thinking about that the other day. It's a great idea because winning or losing doesn't reward/penalize non-commanders.

        The one problem is that the losing side might start switching to the winning side at the end of the battle. The fix would be not to allow the switch from losing to winning side if your side's # of tickets less than say 40.

        Another problem would be that stat whores may just start jumping to the side with more players from the beginning on non-autobalance servers. You may say 'well autobalance should be on', but autobalance makes a problem where your squad starts losing people due to it, and you may have trouble finding a 'real' squad on the other side.


        • #5
          they do that anyway


          • #6
            not a bad idea


            • #7
              Originally posted by kamenjar
              Another problem would be that stat whores may just start jumping to the side with more players from the beginning on non-autobalance servers. You may say 'well autobalance should be on', but autobalance makes a problem where your squad starts losing people due to it, and you may have trouble finding a 'real' squad on the other side.
              auto-balance is fuxord. it should always be on for ranked servers and take the non-squad/commander ppl first.
              if they set it like that then it might work.
              but you still have the increasingly common problem of ppl quiting a server when their team it losing, and then auto-balance kicks in and you get swapped. costing you any bonus that you spent the last 30mins playing for.

              a bonus for winning is a really good idea, atm there is no point in trying to win if you can get more points by playing for youself. but due to the above listed problems its still not perfect. i cant think of a way to fix it so its fair but then again im not getting paid.

