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Solutions for the TK problems

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  • Solutions for the TK problems

    Getting punished for shooting your teammate
    Not really a problem, as you should be careful where or who you fire at.

    People running over/walking into your mines
    A three second time limit for TK - if the mine has been placed for more than three seconds the engineer/sniper will not be getting any minus points or punishment. The timelimit is there to prevent people throwing mines infront of friendlies. Maybe also mark the mines on the minimap to make route planning easier.

    Peope jumping out of vehicles so that you run over them
    Jumping out of a speeding vehicle should be at your own risk.
    If the vehicle is moving faster than some defined speed the operator is not responsible for the crew.

  • #2
    I think the punish system needs to be revamped. It should only exist under certain circumstances, and not in any of those mentioned below.

    How about giving 1 teampoint for every time that you forgive a teamkill as an incentive to think about forgiving an unintentional teamkill?

    How about no teamkill for the person who laid down the mines and rather a teamkill for the person who drove over them? A fully loaded Humvee runs over a mine, the engineer should not be punished for 4 teamkills, rather the idiot who ignored both the HUD's warning box as well as the skull and cross bones icons on the mine itself.

    How about no teamkills for the driver if anyone bails out of their vehicle, be it a jet/helicopter/truck?

    Those seem to make more sense.


    • #3
      Originally posted by kamandor
      How about giving 1 teampoint for every time that you forgive a teamkill as an incentive to think about forgiving an unintentional teamkill?
      That would probably lead to some kind of exploitation.

      Originally posted by kamandor
      How about no teamkill for the person who laid down the mines and rather a teamkill for the person who drove over them? A fully loaded Humvee runs over a mine, the engineer should not be punished for 4 teamkills, rather the idiot who ignored both the HUD's warning box as well as the skull and cross bones icons on the mine itself.
      That would be the case after three seconds with my suggestion.

      Originally posted by kamandor
      How about no teamkills for the driver if anyone bails out of their vehicle, be it a jet/helicopter/truck?
      Did you at all read my post?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Yellonet
        Getting punished for shooting your teammate
        Not really a problem, as you should be careful where or who you fire at.
        What about people that run in front of your fire, vehicle or otherwise? There isn't much you can do to prevent it and it's not the TK'ers fault.(happens a lot)

        People running over/walking into your mines
        A three second time limit for TK - if the mine has been placed for more than three seconds the engineer/sniper will not be getting any minus points or punishment. The timelimit is there to prevent people throwing mines infront of friendlies. Maybe also mark the mines on the minimap to make route planning easier.
        Then how do you deal with teammates that lay down mines/claymores around friendly spawns to the point where you can barely move? If I have to eat a death for that, they deserve some minus points, but otherwise I agree.

        Peope jumping out of vehicles so that you run over them
        Jumping out of a speeding vehicle should be at your own risk.
        If the vehicle is moving faster than some defined speed the operator is not responsible for the crew.
        Agreed. Also, a 3rd person view of some sort for vehicles would be very nice so that I could tell if when I'm backing up there's someone there or not. I'm pretty sure military humvees come with rear view mirrors.


        • #5
          Heres one thing i deffinatly dont want to get punished for when you blow up an enemy vechical and then one of your freindlies runs up to it and it explodes. And they punish you for it thats ballocks .This keeps on happening to me time and time again im in a tank i take out an enemy apc then some retarded prat runs upto to the burning reckage it blows up and they punish me . Thats got nothing to do with me and i shouldnt get punished for it it aint my fault they ran upto it .


          • #6
            i admit the tk system is a bit out of hand but it can be funny sometimes. I flew into a chopper loaded with 6 ppl and the pilot got the tks for them all. They all punished and he got banned. Wasnt very funny for him but i was pissing meself


            • #7
              The problem with not having tk penalties is all the jerks who tk for fun. If you think only the driver of a vehicle should get the tk for running over mines then tk loving punks would be laying mines all over their own flags with no regard.

              I do think that the commander should NOT get tks for artillery FF. If you are stupid enough to get hit with friendly artillery than it is your own fault and if the commander really is tk'ing on purpose just mutiny vote him off.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ZapStarfighter
                Agreed. Also, a 3rd person view of some sort for vehicles would be very nice so that I could tell if when I'm backing up there's someone there or not. I'm pretty sure military humvees come with rear view mirrors.
                If I understand what you are saying here, then there is a way: F11 for 3rd person looking back, F10 for 3rd person looking forward.

