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Size of signitures ...

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  • Size of signitures ...

    Wow some peoples sig's are getting waaaaaay too big, usually 2-3 x the size of their actual post.

    Cmon lads keep it sensible.

  • #2
    Well they have to make up their e-peen in some way!

    Get ad-block and ad them to the block list. Works best imo.


    • #3
      Is mine too big, ive just made it ill make it smaller if it is?


      • #4
        Hopefully mine is within acceptable rules. Im sure theirs a post somewhere. Be useful if they pinned a topic saying max signature size in pixels + kbs.

        Edit: Oops my natalie portman sig is somewhat big in KBs for a sig lol Ill modify it asap.


        • #5
          I just block most of the frequent posters' sigs in firefox. Seen 'em once seen em a thousand times and asking em to cut out the sig spam is tantamount to asking them to cut an inch off their old fella. Somehow everyone seems to think their sig is innovative, artistic and unique....

          I'm also unsure of why anyone would think people will be fascinated with their stats/badges.


          • #6
            firefox will let you block them. whats wrong w/ norman bates? :cry:


            • #7
              No Size or Limit, I checked...

              Great job admins...


              • #8
                they said they were going to come up w/ something. most pics aint too big its just that lots of ppl stack them.
                pick one and be done w/ it ppl!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by glasseye
                  they said they were going to come up w/ something. most pics aint too big its just that lots of ppl stack them.
                  pick one and be done w/ it ppl!
                  He must have a real small RL one...


                  • #10
                    Norman's just fine, but I'm on dial here and I know what he looks like now, as you post pretty often. Therefore blocked.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Superscope
                      Is mine too big, ive just made it ill make it smaller if it is?
                      Most definately. Way too big, it should be no taller than 200, all together. So if you have 1 at 150 then that is probably all you can use.

                      In regards to this thread, we are working on it. Soon we may just start removing sigs that are too large.


                      • #12
                        Finally taking action admins!
                        Great job on limiting the size of people's obnoxiously long sigs!
                        Especially the people who only post 6 characters yet have a 1280x1024 sig...


                        • #13
                          Some sigs are cool and innovative and show some real talent, but stacking them up with multiple stats and badge pics = bad idea.

                          But yes adblock for firefox is now instaleld and up and running at work and most stats sig generators are blocked.


                          • #14
                            Fixed, if people want to know my stats they can find out another way, but noone does so why show em.

                            You will admire my f-15 melting my name though!


                            • #15
                              Can you make one of say, about an inch by an inch? I'd admire the restraint

