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Reparing your own Commander Assets

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  • Reparing your own Commander Assets

    What do you people think about the Commander being able to drop a supply crate on his own commander assests, I mean this just makes having a engineer pointless.

  • #2
    Its need if there isnt an engineer about to repair them but it is a waste of resources as the healing kits are most need out on the battlefield.


    • #3
      I think you could argue both ways. Like Merlin said you're only taking away from your team's supply. But it does seem sort of stupid that you can just drop a crate and wala back to life they come. I'd like to see it limited to repairing those assets only if they aren't already destroyed. An engineer should be mandatory for at least putting the weapons back into operating condition (bringing the assets up from 0% health).

      The other day I was spec ops blowing up assets and by the time I managed to blow up the 3rd or 4th assets the 1st one was already back because of the crates. Obviously I could just use the crates to get more C4 and then blow both up but the whole idea is to try to stay concealed and be stealthy... but when you keep blowing up C4 every couple minutes or blowing up crates in a vehicle you're going to attract attention.

      P.S. I like this game


      • #4
        Yeah, I dunno about being able to repair these items with supply drops..

        I think an engineer should be needed for this.. or at the very least, limit the repair drops that can be made.


        • #5
          I didn't even know you could do that...but it just makes the engineer class even more useless..


          • #6
            all the noob commanders dont know how to drop supply crates on their assets anyway. You always see them arguing with the team to go repair shiz.


            • #7
              Never knew you could do that. When I work the Commander slot, I usually pick the engineer kit anyway as my proximity is usually close to the assets. If things are going well, I'll pick a passive support class (medic/supply) and hop in a vehicle.

              I agree though that it's probably not the best use of supplies to drop a crate just to fix radar, arti or the trailer. I could see that working against you.


              • #8
                Well, its dangerous to drop supplies because enemy SF might stil be around


                • #9
                  Originally posted by [i]_Bleed_to_Death
                  Well, its dangerous to drop supplies because enemy SF might stil be around
                  very true

