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new graphic card but dvd quality is SUCKY!

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  • new graphic card but dvd quality is SUCKY!

    Yeah, I got this GeForce 6800 ULLTA but when I run a DVD, The quality is SUCKY and bright... and they tell me from the manual that this card is ultra good to view DVD ec. Please Help

  • #2
    The Forceware 77.72 drivers default to a high gamma setting for video playback (3.61) making the video look too bright and washed out in the "Overlay" settings.

    1.) Open the advanced display properties and select the GeForce tab.
    2.) Select the "color correction" option in the side-bar menu.
    3.) Set "apply color changes to" to "overlay".
    4.) Set "color profile" to "advanced mode".
    5.) Click "apply" and close the advanced display properties.

    The newest drivers to fix this are out in beta and should be ready for everyone by the end of the week.


    • #3
      Indeed its not the card ,its a bug in the drivers ^^


      • #4
        so your tellin' me that i cant download any driver until next week?


        • #5
          Originally posted by voLcar
          so your tellin' me that i cant download any driver until next week?
          download the previous ones or reinstall the ones that came with the game?


          • #6
            Originally posted by voLcar
            so your tellin' me that i cant download any driver until next week?
            No, take ptegan's advice and correct the issue yourself in settings. That way you can use the latest drivers and have good video playback.


            • #7
              em exactly what must i do ? in steps?


              • #8
                Originally posted by voLcar
                em exactly what must i do ? in steps?
                For God's sake, have you tried looking upwards in this thread and actually reading what's there?
                Originally posted by ptegan
                1.) Open the advanced display properties and select the GeForce tab.
                2.) Select the "color correction" option in the side-bar menu.
                3.) Set "apply color changes to" to "overlay".
                4.) Set "color profile" to "advanced mode".
                5.) Click "apply" and close the advanced display properties.


                • #9
                  yes but im now asking what drivers i should download? the latest or some other?


                  • #10
                    77.72 and then follow the instructions posted above.

