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Lame Pilots that bail

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  • Lame Pilots that bail

    Ok i dont usually moan...., but one thing that REALLY gets my goat are ppl who pilot Choppers/jets and use them for transport to get themselves to the other side of the map then they bailout without any prior warning.

    It really does my box in.

  • #2
    Well hit F1 asap and fly off. Problem solved.


    • #3
      unless its at the beginning of the map to get off the ship and they just take off with noone in it... that would piss me off too.


      • #4
        Well yeh i usually do, but i shouldnt have to keep an eye out for the pilot bailing when im trying to concentrate on laser sighting, or in a blackhawk while im fixing it in midair or even been a gunner when the pilot benefits from kill assists ffs.

        I have been known ( i know its wrong) to get that pee'd off with em i just hit f1 turn around and kamikaze them, i know 9/10 times they will tk me but hey its very satisfying


        • #5
          Originally posted by MemphisVon
          Well hit F1 asap and fly off. Problem solved.
          Not always possible when you're about a second away from nose-planting the carrier.


          • #6
            Agreed, people using valuable air assets as a one-way taxi need to be the next target on the list.

            Then again, recently I have been accidentally bailing out of choppers and aircraft because up until I got BF2 I had been playing GTA San Andreas almost constantly, and in that you use Q and E as the rudder control. I keep going for the rudder to turn the chopper and next thing I know I'm falling to my doom. Bah!


            • #7
              Originally posted by gunner.b0b
              Ok i dont usually moan...., but one thing that REALLY gets my goat are ppl who pilot Choppers/jets and use them for transport to get themselves to the other side of the map then they bailout without any prior warning.

              It really does my box in.
              Must admit im guilty of this. mainly because all the other vehicles are usually taken. Unfortunately, nobody is patient enough to wait around for passengers which means if your unfortunate enough to have to spawn right back at your first base and theres no other vehicle, then your gonna taken the chopper. if my piloting skills were good, i would land the chopper or if you are in my team, i would warn you but unfortunately i cant keep the thing in the air and type a warning.


              • #8
                Yeah, i hate that, i've died many times coz the damn pilot bailed out.... Pretty annoying. But what is annoying too is that some of them pick up the chopper at the beggining of the map and fly away without waiting for the others, when they get to the place they want, they just jump out and the damn chopper stays flying some times for some minutes!!!! wtf, does it have an automatic pilot or sth, I'm waiting for the chopper!!?? It really pisses me off.


                • #9
                  I could'nt agree more. I fly a lot of choppers since I have gotten a kick out of it. Don't know how many times I have turned back in a BH to pick people up or to fill up the chopper.
                  Also when beeing hit I allways try to be the last one to bail (using bail out, bail out plenty of times) or even trying to land. I normally go down with the chopper (since many of the passengers don't listen to my warnings or are too occupied), but try to stay in until the last man is gone. I NEVER use the chopper for getting from A to B if there are people wanting to be picked up or if I people in the chopper.

                  Beeing a gunner or a passenger and the pilot just bails out without any prior warning, pisses me off to!


                  • #10
                    Meh I only do this if they are not being used by other people. Was playing Gulf of Omean and I took the jet, bailed when I got to where I needed to go and bailed, since I suck at flying the jets. Some guy started whining about it so I asked if he flies them, and he said no. Then I asked the whole team if any of them were flying them, and not one of them said yes. The only time anyone on my team was using the jets that map it was only to get on land, then bail.

                    As for waiting to fill up the choppers, my philosophy is this: if I call for people to get in multiple times I will stay so long as there are people heading towards the chopper. If you are just standing there staring at my heli and I say Get in 3-4 times and you still just stand there, I will take off, and if you decide after I'm airborne and on my way that you want a ride, well, tough sh*t, you should have gotten in earlier.

