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Keyboard layout for Squad-Leaders

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  • Keyboard layout for Squad-Leaders

    Hi everyone

    The question is :
    being a squad-leader is really intensive job - you have to fight just like a soldier in close-combat
    and you have to maintain a solid link with squad-mates and commander through in-game communication and, finally,
    you have to control the situation through squad-screen, giving orders and placing markers on the map.

    That's kinda tricky thing to do, i think, and one have to tweak keyboard bindings the most optimal way.
    Personally, I prefer ESDF keys for movement, RMB for sprinting, which leaves me with G for ALT-FIRE,
    V & C for primary & secondary radio channels and Q for squad-screen.

    Have you tweak your keyboard-layout to the level when you feel that everything "just alright"?

    p.s. sorry for my english

  • #2
    What's wrong with the default?


    • #3
      Originally posted by a1pointguard
      What's wrong with the default?
      I agree...being a squad leader isn't that can always use T instead of the Squad Screen...


      • #4
        as usual. its what YOU feel comfortable with. for me im at home with default settings.
        though i guess if i tried your settings for a long time id feel comfortable too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by a1pointguard
          What's wrong with the default?
          As far as I remember default layout is built around WASD which, I think, is itself not optimal - you loose a good number of keys.

          Don't know - it just doesn't feel right.
          I mean - when I see an enemy I want to be able to _quickly_ get him "spotted" or to quickly bring a squad-scren map to make an order arrangement or whatever. And that all _being able to quickly switch_ for close-combat.


          • #6
            I'm fine with the default... but oh well....


            • #7
              It seems most of the keys needed in squad leading are right at a hands length for quick access.

              T- for squad commands
              B- for squad voip
              V - for commander voip

              and caps lock for other commands, but you shouldn't have the close to your moving asdw fingers anyway since you cant see and if your opening your command screen you should do it somewhere safe and not on the fly.
              Default works well for me


              • #8
                If G is your alternate fire then what do you use to switch kits?

                I personally think the default is the best way to go, every thing is right there.


                • #9
                  I switched the V and B around, V for voice chat with squad, B for commander. Using the WASD key layout I would talk to the squad more than the commander, makes it a little easier to reach.


                  • #10
                    I'll stick with my default it has the same controls as the combat movements in other fps and I feel Q an T are great for using commands.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Swanston
                      If G is your alternate fire then what do you use to switch kits?

                      I personally think the default is the best way to go, every thing is right there.
                      I doubt any two people would have the same config, that's what makes PC games so much better than consoles.

                      I'm using an older MS Intelimouse optical with the two large side buttons: Left mouse primary fire, right mouse alt fire, middle mouse changes gun mode (auto/single shot), left side button to go prone, right side button to select one of the weapons (hand grenade / swith assault rifle to grenade launcher)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Swanston
                        If G is your alternate fire then what do you use to switch kits?

                        I personally think the default is the best way to go, every thing is right there.
                        I use X to switch kits, it's very close to the movement keys.

                        You know, it's understandable that everyone chooses his own layout and the way it works is totally individual.
                        So, there is no just one solution, of course.

                        The main point for me was to try to find the most, let's say, _ergonomical_ layout when you can do your best as a squad-leader with, heh, combat effeciency.

                        The most disappointing for me, however, that, from my experience, many people just don't use half of functions on keyboard. For example - very few really "spot" something, i mean - when you standing in front of the enemy tank - why not to broadcast for entire team and your squad-mates, making the target visible for a good amount of time?
                        Or Yes/No replies. For default there are located on PgUp/PgDwn key, when, imo, they should be right at hand for fast-response (for me, that is Y/H keys).

                        I think, very often, there is no good teamwork/coop beacause of the key bindings that are just not very usable.


                        • #13
                          I find the simplest way to use the main radio is to set it as a click on my mouse scroll wheel. That way to spot enemies all i have to do is, when looking at them, hold down the middle scroll and left click.

                          For the squad radio i use the default T

