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How is the G3?

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  • How is the G3?

    I'm close to unlocking my first weapon and seeing how I am usually an Assault person I'd like to unlock the G3 assault rifle.

    How is it? Comments... complaints?

  • #2
    Its what I unlocked

    Fairy accurate and it does great damage, the clip is 20 and it has no M203 with it but you can switch it to automatic. Its a good gun for city maps for sure.


    • #3
      ive met people who've loved it, met people who've hated it... the gun's affectiveness pretty much dependant on the player though... stick a moron with a 1s1k gun that spreads over a cone 100ft wide and hits every pixel... and he can still get a 35 death streak...


      • #4

        its great cqb weapon and semi for long range. it's the weapon i unlocked


        • #5
          its nice, high damage long range, it has its place in the battle just like the m16 and the ak47. I switch off, some times I like to have the m203 with me, other times I prefer the range that the g3 has.


          • #6
            It's good. :rock:


            • #7
              Great Gun. I used to use it on single shot, but when i got into spray fights I got owned. Sure 20 rounds isn't much in a spray fight but its more than 1 round. I now use it in controlled bursts and if someone scares me comin around a corner i put 20 into him. Good Gun


              • #8
                lacks prone accuracy....


                • #9
                  I've got another unlock now and was thinking of choosing this gun. First i chose the L85. That was great. Do you get grenades instead of the m203?


                  • #10
                    Yes, you get the grenades. G3 packs quite a punch which the standard assault rifles lack.


                    • #11
                      it's more powerful than the default assault gun (m16?)... at least to me. i can kill a lot more with it. only problem is, i feel helpless without the 'nade launcher so when i'm in an urban map, i use the g3 and the default assault gun for the rest.


                      • #12
                        It takes 3 shots to take down an assault class. It's a bloody cannon.


                        • #13
                          Awesome. I'm excited then! :P


                          • #14
                            ya its quite good....youll learn to use it on single shot like 90% of the time. it ws my first unlock and i dont use it alot anymore but it has its uses. i also got the l85 but i dont like it....getting the g36c soon and i love that gun 2.


                            • #15
                              It's the same as it was in 40 other threads on the G3.

