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WTF...Wont give me my awards

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  • WTF...Wont give me my awards

    I just earned my pistol combat award...I killed 12 people with my pistol in one round...I stayed tillt he end of the round and left to relax before bed and my medal isnt there My stats now only show 5 kills for pistol when I killed 12. The little award came up and everything. I only play on ranked servers so what the hell is with that.

  • #2
    I think you should wait...I had this happen to me too with the same badge. Today I got a few awards and $hit and they still don't show up


    • #3
      u should wait untill the next map loads or the next round..i usually go and cap a point or get a kill then leave..just to make sure i get the points and it has not failed me yet


      • #4
        I stayed and played two rounds total one after getting my badge


        • #5
          Sometimes in game you have to logout, maybe even delete your login info and then add it all back - it will clear it up on occasion.


          • #6
            huh.....wait a few days i have seen where it does take a few days to show up and after then if they still not there...i wouldnt know wat to do


            • #7
              Yea well, I spent half of my day trying to get the stupid Basic Knife, and I finally did on Karkland. I stay until the next map loaded because I was afraid that I would lose it. And guess what, it never showed up. This was probably 4-5 days ago. Not to mention, that maybe 2 days ago I got my Basic Pistol on Karkland as well. And it showed up within 5 mintues. So I'm guessing I should just kiss my Basic Knife good bye? It was pretty difficult for me to get...


              • #8
                ive seen awards take like 2 days to get to show up in BFHQ, not sure why, but ive never had that problem.

