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  • Nade SPAMMING!!!

    This dosent seem to be that big of a problem but i could see how it would be, i was playing on karkland and the mec only had one base. Well there was a supply crate and one guy started throwing nades at the spawn point...then another guy joined in. Pretty soon the whole bas was blowin up like never ending artillery. In about 2 minutes all the mec were gone. Then the server started evening out the teams. After a while there were only 4 of us left.

    -this is proof that nade spammin klls a server

  • #2
    uhhh I nade spam without the help of any supply crates. Pffff supply crates... I am a supply crate... a walking supply crate that is :|:


    • #3
      That sounds fun!!!!! I wish i was there! lol


      • #4
        lol...... wow but think about it how often does that really happen


        • #5
          Sounds like a good show. The team came together in a way...haha..


          • #6
            Ive done it before, but never seem to get many kills and I usually get killed pretty quick because they usually don't like my mini-arty strikes.


            • #7
              ohh it is fun, when i play USMC on karkand i always nade spam for like the first 5 min, gets me like 20+ kills easy, i have a spot i can throw them from perfectly. ^_^ and being support only makes this easier.


              • #8
                I actually don't mind lame nade spamming anymore. As a support user, you can do nothing and make tons of (legit) points.


                • #9
                  Me likey the grenades just check out my stats...



                  • #10
                    nades are good fun. except when a wonderful team mate decides to run in guns blazing to the 5 enemies you just through a nade at. of course its your fault he died and he justly punishes you.


                    • #11
                      If you think peoples' ability to spam 'nades is bad here, you would have hated a couple of the '42 maps... you could sit by the (unlimited) supply crates at one flag and pretty much shut down the next flag over.


                      • #12
                        lol, i think i need to become a nade whore


                        • #13
                          Just be glad that the nades don't make the game lag like hell. Like it does on Socom2.


                          • #14
                            Re: Nade SPAMMING!!!

                            Originally posted by penguino
                            This dosent seem to be that big of a problem but i could see how it would be, i was playing on karkland and the mec only had one base. Well there was a supply crate and one guy started throwing nades at the spawn point...then another guy joined in. Pretty soon the whole bas was blowin up like never ending artillery. In about 2 minutes all the mec were gone. Then the server started evening out the teams. After a while there were only 4 of us left.

                            -this is proof that nade spammin klls a server
                            hmmm.. i thought this was the tips and tricks thread not the **** and moan thread.. i learn something new about this game every dam day


                            • #15
                              Re: Nade SPAMMING!!!

                              wow did u just bump a 2 month old thread???? thats awesome!

