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Helicopter gunner´s fire button ?

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  • Helicopter gunner´s fire button ?

    I searched the forum for this question, couldn´t findy anything about it, I am sorry if it has been asked already.
    In the apache helicopter, I can´t find the gunner´s fire button for the minigun. I tried clicking "f" to switch firemode, but that wasn´t it.

  • #2
    its just the primary fire. The default is the left mouse button.


    • #3
      Really ? We are talking the fighter helicopters not the transportation ones.


      • #4
        Uhm .. are you piloting the chopper and trying to use the main gun instead ur rockets? doesnt work that way! thats why they invented the 2nd seat and the "jump in" voice command


        • #5
          No sir, it´s the gunner´s fire button, as said in the topic title. In the Apache not the Black hawk.


          • #6
            well .. why dont you have a look at ur settings and figure it out? Its the same as your pilots fire button. primary: gun, secondary: tv guided missile

            oh and btw: its an AH-1W Super Cobra Attack Helicopter .. not an Apache


            • #7
              Yes, but when I say Apache, everyone knows what I am talking about.

              Checking those buttons was the first thing I did. I don´t hear any gun going off when I press my primary attack and I do not see any rounds flying.
              I thought that key might be "unmapped", invisible like the ALT key, anyway, I will check it again when I get home.


              • #8


                • #9
                  if your piloting the "apache" heli, you only get rockets, no gun, if you have a gunner, they have a machine gun of sorts and a TV guided missle. primary fire for both the pilot and gunner are left click be default and for the tv guided missle (gunner position only) is to right click to switch to it then left click to fire.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by K.B.Strandberg
                    Yes, but when I say Apache, everyone knows what I am talking about.

                    Checking those buttons was the first thing I did. I don´t hear any gun going off when I press my primary attack and I do not see any rounds flying.
                    I thought that key might be "unmapped", invisible like the ALT key, anyway, I will check it again when I get home.
                    Yeah but your wrong and that bothers people....

                    1 and 64 are not the same.

                    Are you actually in the gunners spot? You don't see rounds flying, you just hear them.

                    coolhand: omfg :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
                    hey didn't I play a game with you yesterday, and you tk'd me cause I had the red-name glitch?


                    • #11
                      Heh, doesn´t really matter how much you think I understand.

                      I don´t like the helicopters, I think they are over-powered, but it annoys me I haven´t found the button for the minigun. You are saying it is the primary fire-button, thanks, I will check it out.


                      Thanks for the help by the way ! Almost forgot with the lamer coming in asking for attention ´


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by K.B.Strandberg
                        You are saying it is the primary fire-button, thanks, I will check it out.

                        Nonono, the actual button for firing the minigun is a macro, alt+f4.

                        To get the secret cheat menu, you go to your windows folder. Drag a box around it, hold shift and press delete. Ignore the fake warning box, they just want to trick you so you don't get the hax. Click yes and be on your merry way.


                        • #13
                          What, you are only supposed to ask questions that does not have an answer ?
                          Why are you being an idiot again I forgot ?
                          Wait, doesn´t matter. John doe with his copy pasted material , welcome to the internet, why am I replying


                          • #14
                            yeah .... "why did I reply in the first place?" ...that what i just asked myself too

                            You are asked where the fricken fire button is. that like asking "D00d where is my mouse?!?!!!oneoneone" I mean how did you manage to get into the chopper inthe first place? Did you guess that E might stand for Enter. Then you had to switch to the gunners seat. Again how did you do it? Did you just try all keys until you got in there? Or did you - OMG GOD FORBID - looked it up in your settings?


                            • #15
                              Well I am sorry I didn´t give you any credit for naming the helicopter, I see now that matters a lot to you.
                              Unfortuntely, if I commend you for it now, it will seem degrading.
                              Nevertheless, Drevor, it is with great respect and admiration I see you´ve somehow managed to obtain the name of helicopter in a computer game. Few stand out with such inspiration, Drevor, you are one of a kind. We can only aspire to be such as you, a young hope, a hero. Drevor, I salute you.
                              Feel better now ?

                              ANYWAY, I asked a legit question. You felt like poking me instead of just answering, so I gave you your money´s worth

                              In my world the 3 of you should get a temp-ban for inciting to flames and trying to dictate the debate.

