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Best Moments...

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  • Best Moments...

    Lol I'm not sure if this has been done before, however, I think it's time for me to mention it.


    - Unloading a J-10 on a 6 man BH.
    - Sniping out a Heli pilot while I was in a BH
    - Shooting people down while they are parachuting
    - Winning a round by 1-5 points
    - Having a really good squad all using voice and mixed kits.
    - Taking a jeep and running over 15+ people in about 5 seconds (lmao, true story)
    - Having someone accusing you of cheating and then proceed to completely rape them

    I think that's all I can think of right now, anyone else have some great moments?

  • #2
    Running up to an APC that had just spotted me and dropping an anti-tank mine, then running behind it as its turret was catching up and dropping one behind it. Then running around the corner and sitting for a minute or two before BOOM!!! 3 dead.

    That, and C4 on enemy helicopters just sitting there until I'm in the mood...


    • #3
      firing a tank round at a BH, killing the pilot (not damaging the BH) and having it plummet to the ground and get me some mad killz

      parachuting as a spec-ops from my burning chopper ontop of an enemy APC, planting C4 on it, running away and getting mad killz

      playing musical flags in a cobra and getting 70 teamwork score in one round with 0 deaths


      • #4
        planting C4 under a APC/car/vehicle, let it drive off, pull trigger and watch the fireworks go!


        • #5
          c4 kills with a jeep are fun.


          • #6
            One shot Eryx took down a fully loaded BH that was at full health (I asked the pilot afterwards).

            From my angle, I guess I shot it so it hit the top of the inside compartment.


            • #7
              When I was prone on the ground hiding from a T-90, it rolled over me and I chucked c4 up onto the bottom of him while he drove over me, and as soon as he was off me I ran and blew him up. I found that pretty amusing.


              • #8
                - i shot at an enemy BH 2-3 times with a pistol out of desperation, and it careened into a hillside and somehow i got the kills

                - fired a grenade from grenade launcher into the mid-section of a hovering BH and killed everybody inside except the pilot. pilot was oblivious to the fact, so he stayed put. i waited 15 seconds and then fired another grenade into the same spot...killed the same ppl again


                • #9
                  Shooting a tank round into a cobra...that shouldn't happen.


                  • #10
                    Getting in a dog fight and going striaght up then looping back down to fire missles only you crash into a fully loaded BH and get 6 kills.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by [xXx]gh0st
                      Lol I'm not sure if this has been done before, however, I think it's time for me to mention it.

                      **BEST MOMENTS IN BF2**

                      - Unloading a J-10 on a 6 man BH.
                      - Sniping out a Heli pilot while I was in a BH
                      - Shooting people down while they are parachuting
                      - Winning a round by 1-5 points
                      - Having a really good squad all using voice and mixed kits.
                      - Taking a jeep and running over 15+ people in about 5 seconds (lmao, true story)
                      - Having someone accusing you of cheating and then proceed to completely rape them

                      I think that's all I can think of right now, anyone else have some great moments?
                      I did the run over thing, in a clan scrimage Except the other team only had 12, so I ran over like 3 or 4 guys.


                      • #12
                        You whole squad throwing all their gernades over the fence into their area and calling in artillery ASAP in the same spot on "Strike at Karkland" Right as they enter the area it's lit up getting crazy kills.

                        Throwing C4 from atop a building on a tank/jeep or droping it near a group of people and detno.

                        Completely raping a spawn point during flag landing in a black hawk with a full load.

                        Driving a special ops boat really fast on to land and into a enemy base and unloading with the 50. cal

                        Slapping ALOT of c4 on a truck go flying into a enemy base, bail let the truck roll, prone and set off the explosives


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            My best moment in BF2 would had to have been earlier today. I was playing on Strike at Karkand and I'd just discovered the joy of being US commander on that map. I was artying and in one single strike, ended getting a kill streak of 19, my highest yet. I know this isn't much of a best moment, however, it meant a lot to me because I don't normally see myself as a leader, too paranoid about blowing up my own guys. I don't want to have my team end up hating me. The city streets on that map are really condusive to clumping the enemy together however, and I've only gotten one or two teamkills, so maybe my fear is misplaced.

