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Ever see this cheat?

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  • Ever see this cheat?

    I was just on a server and some MEC sniper that had apparently unlocked the better sniper rifle was spawning into the USMC airstrip (permanent CP for USMC) on Kubar Dam. I wanted to fly the attach heilo but everytime I got in the cockpit and waited for it to torque up, he would kill me with that rifle. I once was able to kill him when I respawned, then I ran to the heilo and got sniped again while I was waiting for it to torque up again. That's how I knew the guy was cheating and some how spawning close to the UAV trailer every time.

    Don't know how he did it, don't want to know, just wish he would get caught and permanently banned from all ranked servers for ever.

  • #2
    The M95 can fire through heli windows.......


    • #3
      Prolly had a squadleader nearby to spawn on. I do that sometimes when I want to nail pilots all day long.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Wurum
        I was just on a server and some MEC sniper that had apparently unlocked the better sniper rifle was spawning into the USMC airstrip (permanent CP for USMC) on Kubar Dam. I wanted to fly the attach heilo but everytime I got in the cockpit and waited for it to torque up, he would kill me with that rifle. I once was able to kill him when I respawned, then I ran to the heilo and got sniped again while I was waiting for it to torque up again. That's how I knew the guy was cheating and some how spawning close to the UAV trailer every time.

        Don't know how he did it, don't want to know, just wish he would get caught and permanently banned from all ranked servers for ever.
        Imagine this scenario: You and a friend decide to go irritate the enemy in their base. One of you is the squadleader and prones in a bush, the other one starts sniping would be pilots. If the active guy dies all he has to do is spawn on his squadleader again and start sniping.

        People like you piss me off. If someone does something skilled or odd he must be a cheater by default. Try using your brain next time.


        • #5
          It's possible he had a medic with him that revived him, or a squad leader that he spawned on. If a sniper is doing that, about the only thing you can do is go hunt him down and kill him, make sure he doesn't get revived, even call for a UAV to see if there is anything else around you. Also, while waiting for the chopper to take off, it is possible to rotate around, so you could face away from him, he couldn't kill you then. It's not really a cheat, its just pretty lame.

          Originally posted by Kattspya
          People like you piss me off. If someone does something skilled or odd he must be a cheater by default. Try using your brain next time.
          Oh come on, there's no reason for that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Leviathan
            Oh come on, there's no reason for that.
            Yes there is. I'm tired enough of seeing the SNR go way down due to people who doesn't even have a clue. If you can't understand the goddamn basic game mechanics then you are in no position to "know" someone is cheating. I've hade enough of cheat accusations.

            OMG i liek got killed b4 & dats how i knew hes cheatling LOl!!!!111111§


            • #7
              when you see 'you killed sniperguy' wait a second or so and throw a nade on his corpse.
              'you killed sniperguy'
              'you killed medicguy'


              • #8
                Actualy this wouldnt surprise me if this was a cheat sounds like a relocation hack that ive seen . I dont know the name of the map its the one with 3 untakable MEC base and the USMC hold the city (building site right in the middle) . Well basic you know the top left USMC base near the high wall i was running towards that through the corrigated fence wright faceing the flag i ran into the a assault guy and started to own his arse . Next thing the guy flew through the air matrix style changed class to sniper landed on the roof top faceing that flag and then killed me .

                This isnt the only hack ive seen ive also seen an invincabilty hack on the gulf of oman only reason i know about this is becouse the guy was on my team and he nearly tk'd me . He did say sorry but i was in a realy bad mood that day as i had been tk'd 10 or 15 times by loads of noobs (all in one round) . So i though right you twat your dead i turnd round and put a full clip into him he didnt die so i though wtf so i used another full clip and he still didnt die then i pulled out my 203 i used all my rounds on him and he didnt die. I knew he was a hacker and started to try to tell everyone on the server but no one payed any attention so in the end i chased this guy around the map with an apc then a tank just harasing him shoting him all the time . In the end he just left the server .

                lol i know its a long story but it is all true and it was on pb ranked servers that this happend before anyones says out.


                • #9
                  I would'nt call spawnkilling skilled...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 18zulukiller
                    This isnt the only hack ive seen ive also seen an invincabilty hack on the gulf of oman only reason i know about this is becouse the guy was on my team and he nearly tk'd me . He did say sorry but i was in a realy bad mood that day as i had been tk'd 10 or 15 times by loads of noobs (all in one round) . So i though right you twat your dead i turnd round and put a full clip into him he didnt die so i though wtf so i used another full clip and he still didnt die then i pulled out my 203 i used all my rounds on him and he didnt die. I knew he was a hacker and started to try to tell everyone on the server but no one payed any attention so in the end i chased this guy around the map with an apc then a tank just harasing him shoting him all the time . In the end he just left the server .
                    If health is stored on the server, how could there be a client side god mode cheat?

                    Originally posted by Habloc
                    I would'nt call spawnkilling skilled...
                    Neither would I.
                    I'd put it in the odd category. The odd part being that someone you just killed came back 20 seconds later with no static spawnpoint in range.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kattspya
                      If health is stored on the server, how could there be a client side god mode cheat?
                      Just because the really really obvious way of doing it is unlikely, doesn't mean you can rule it out as impossible, how about constantly telling the server you've just picked up a medi kit, or you've just been revived, or you've just opened your parachute (which does crazy things it seems).

                      I'm certainly not confirming any of these, not seen any proof of existance for one myself, but doesn't seem right to rule it out just because of that one thing yet.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Habloc
                        I would'nt call spawnkilling skilled...
                        I agree. I wouldn't call spawnkilling near a takeable flag not-skilled, but spawnkilling near an uncaptureable flag is despicable...


                        • #13
                          his sqad leader was hovering in a heli out of sight above your base. he can just spawn in him and parachute down in a couple seconds.



                          • #14
                            welll, you must be that damn stupid to keep going back to the chopper after being shot that many times, why not give up the chopper and go in foot or another vehicle?? simple, camper gets no kills, threads like this would be less


                            • #15
                              Yeah I saw that on a chinese map last night. The sniper shot 2-3 people out of the chopper before they even had a chance to get airborne. It was damn impressive actually.

                              I still have never seen anyone shoot out a chopper pilot/gunner that is airborne.

