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Map Project

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  • Map Project

    I am starting a small project to make a map. Basically, I need people who can make textures and buildings for the map. I've had this idea for a map a long time but have been waiting for them to annouce the release of the map editor. The map will be for normal Battlefield, same kits etc.

    The Map:
    Goal-To have the most intense, fun, concentrated infantry comabat.

    The Map Basics- I have attached a really bad draft I made in two minutes in paint to show you the general idea of the map. Basically, the map is a small island, symetrically divided between the US and MEC. The island has one road down the middle with buildings on each side. Control points are evenly spaced down the road. This emulates the unfinished supply-line mode. All players will be concentrated on fighting for one control point; thus making the battles very intense and concentrated and thus fun (the goal). Also, all buildings have an interior that players can go into. and the roofs are accesable. Opening up the map a little but still keeping it intense. Both sides start off with one apc and around 2 jeep/buggies. No tanks, as this map is concetrated on infantry combat. There is one boat in the middle, an object to fight over. Note that the spawn point are in the buildings, otherwise people would die as soon as they spawn. A duct system would also be interesting.

    Anyways, if you find the idea interesting, just PM to join. Then you can add your ideas to the map. After all ideas are added I'll make a detailed blueprint (when I was younger I wanted to be an archetiect, so I've done plans before) which can then be made into the map. So if you can make textures or made models of buildings please join. This isn't a full time mod, just a small project so don't expect to work much.

  • #2
    To make it more intense you could possibly add a few in built trenches along the way. Reminds a bit of Destruction Alley from Operation Flashpoint. A few trenches with machine guns would really create world war 1 moments of desperation running over the top lobbing grenades. Not too many so you don't get bogged down consantly but it adds a bit extra to the open central pathway.


    • #3
      reminds me of that COD UO level where you have to run through the buildings and get into a chateau for some reason :s

      Idea looks good, I'd probably help just for fun but unfortunately I am already bogged down right now :\


      • #4
        looks really easy like a 40 min map

