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The mod I would like to see for BF2 (Gundam)

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  • #46
    You missed the point of my post. I'm not expecting them to deliver legged vehicles - you can expect us to deliver legged vehicles.


    • #47
      Originally posted by MaSaKaRi
      You missed the point of my post. I'm not expecting them to deliver legged vehicles - you can expect us to deliver legged vehicles.
      No sir, you missed the point about what I was saying.

      I can't expect you to deliver legged vehicles because it's out of your reach. No modder can do it. Not as along as bf2 doesn't support it.

      (of course you can always resort to make something with legs that wiggles them a bit, problem is you don't need to fight your enemies then anymore, because they're lying on the floor laughing.)


      • #48
        Again, you missed the point of my post. Just because DICE hasn't implemented legged vehicles doesn't mean it can't be done. There's a difference between what BF2 the game supports, and what BF2 the engine supports. Again, DC for BF42 accomplished a lot of stuff which was supposedly impossible.

        I think it comes down to: you don't believe it can be done, and i do, regardless if it's supported by default in the engine or not.


        • #49
          Originally posted by MaSaKaRi
          I think it comes down to: you don't believe it can be done, and i do, regardless if it's supported by default in the engine or not.
          Of course you're free of believing whatever you want. However I must warn you. There's a fine but distinctive line between reaching for the stars and fooling yourself.

          I've followed the battlefield franchise right from the days of Codename eagle. On each iteration I've inspected the capabilites of the engine, made some research, and watched the mods.

          -Galactic conquest tried very very hard, but couldn't get walking vehicles right.
          -bf2 is not fundamentally different from bf 1942, architecture and engine wise ( yeah yeah, nicer graphics and a lot of gimick stuff, yadda yadda )

          Sure you've a point that the engine can do more then is actually in the game. Though most of that is leftovers from development. I'm pretty sure you'll not accidentially uncover the leftover walking support that incidentially works.

          The egine doesn't support walking machines on multiple levels. It's not just an arbitary feature missing. The whole thing essentially is build without the slightest thought about this.

          Now if walking was a fairly easy thing, I'd say, yes, can be done. However walking isn't just an arbitary feature as I said before. It needs the engine to support pretty fancy animation cycles. Not only would the legs need to move correctly. The engine would have to know that your vehicles is balancing itself upright on uneven terrain. The engine'd have to adjust your leg-bends to accomodate the illusion of balancing. The sound for the walking would've had to play only when your feet interact with the floor. And that's just the rough stuff, there's a zigillion of little details that can screw you right over with that.

          If you'd be a super genius computer wizz, that can see trough hex code like an open book, I'd even give you a fair chance that you can hack something together that helps you along just enough to make the feet-wiggling look less rediculus.

          Well, see the odds that you, or anybody without the sources, actually pulls this off are about as good as that a global killer hits earth tomorow. It could happen, it's just extremely unlikely.

          I'd be glad if you prove me wrong. I'd really be. But I think my believe has some solid base to stand, wheras yours is most likely the boundless faith of the youth.


          • #50
            Well, i have no idea of your age, and you of mine, so let's keep the patronizing to a bare minimum, shall we?

            DICE have also stated in the past that night maps and night vision and legged vehicles were being worked on, but cut from the final version. Night maps and night vision are in the upcoming xpac. Desert Combat did a lot of things no one thought possible. The MTS coders have shown me and outlined their method of how this could be done, and frankly i think it can be done. Some details will be missing (like, the system may not be perfect like the MechWarrior series, but will be alot better than Galactic Conquest, for example).

            You're free to think otherwise, and i respect that, i'm already looking forward to MTS proving everybody and specially DICE and EA wrong. :laugh:
            My only real concern is of breaking the EULA - it's very strict (ie only through the proper mod tools can mods be made), and making Mechs work MAY require outside tinkering.

            Anyway, MTS the mod will always survive. We have a really nice backup should the BF2 engine fail to suit us for any reason (may even fail us for something not mech related), frankly it's not like the BF2 engine is the best in the world...


            • #51
              Bout the thing with the EULA, I wouldn't worry. Enforcing eulas in reality's a *****. Sure you're bound rather strictly to copyright, but that's an entirely different thing. Apart from excluding your ip/cd-key from ranked online gaming they can't do jack.

              No, the bf2 engine really isn't the best in the world. They got a few things in good balance, but a lot of it is a complete mess.

              I'd keep a sharp eye out on the unreal engine. Lots of pretty good stuff is going on there. I personally know the guys doing the new physics engine for the unreal engine, and they rock. They're years ahead of their competition. I've seen some pretty awesome stuff at their place, two years ago! Heh, two years ago I was having bbq with their head programmer and we dreamed a bit about physics acceleration chips and how far better that would be then doing it on the cpu. Well, look at the ps3 . I excpect it will not take too long before that sort of thing enters the pc market.


              • #52
                Originally posted by MaSaKaRi
                DICE have also stated in the past that night maps and night vision and legged vehicles were being worked on, but cut from the final version. Night maps and night vision are in the upcoming xpac. Desert Combat did a lot of things no one thought possible.
                Such as? From what I saw the Desert Combat team actually did very little to push the engine and had very few innovative ideas implemented (except for the "Push" map gametype, that was pretty innovative).

                The MTS mod has some nice looking models and it'd be really, really awesome to have the ability to have proper bipedal vehicles in BF2. But I really doubt DICE will bother to improve support for that, in fact, in an interview I read, I believe DICE said they were working on 4-legged support but didn't manage to get it in, not 2-legged.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Tres
                  in fact, in an interview I read, I believe DICE said they were working on 4-legged support but didn't manage to get it in, not 2-legged.
                  You missread the interview. The producer of bf2 was asked what he would've liked to have in bf2. He said he would've liked 4 legged vehicles support, but they didn't have the time to do it.

                  That doesn't mean they did anything. It also doesn't mean they will work on it. It only means that when they ever have time to reach the bottom of their priority list (read never) they will consider doing it. Which is, alas, all the point of what I was trying to explain in the first place.

                  And I too think that you can't get legged vehicle support without the sources to the programm itself. Even then I think it would be a feat, at least when done properly.


                  • #54
                    Why are night maps such a big deal that people are in awe about? Just curious because its about the easiest thing in the world.


                    • #55
                      Gundam Rox I Love The Series All The Explosions! Go Gundam!


                      • #56
                        Deleted a few posts in here that didn't seem to be contributing rather than just arguementative and flaming. Please keep it civil.

