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New patch 1.4 fixes

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  • New patch 1.4 fixes

    I've heard other fixes from people in regards to the patch that is soon out for 2142. However, I have not found a website that confirms that the patch will fix the following issues:

    1) Fix the pod surfing exploit.
    2) Set a time delay for RDX

    Is the new patch supposed to fix these? If so could you put up a link to where you found the info.


  • #2
    Well they're supposed to fix all exploits, but that won't happen.

    And I've never heard of a timed delay for RDX.


    • #3
      like the patch will ever come out. its "been in beta testing" (lol) for like as long as the game was tested.:laugh:


      • #4
        I haven't heard about the RDX fix either, but i heard another wild rumour from a reliable source:

        The rumour has it that they are going to fix the "server crashes every 5 mins" -bug in 1.4 beta :O Just a rumour but it would be a nie perk though..


        • #5
          Originally posted by Iwantcable
          And I've never heard of a timed delay for RDX.
          Neither have I, but I still have the Beta installed so I can test it if you can be a bit more specific.
          What exactly is supposed to have changed?


          • #6
            1.4 is a hoax...doubtful that DICE/EA even cares about BF2142 anymore.


            • #7
              I stopped caring about 1.4, this game will always be infested with bugs so MEH. "Your connection to the main server was lost" Been seeing that since day 1 and have been hearing that are trying to fix it ever since


              • #8
                I did a quick test, and in 1.40 the RDX will detonate instantly as you press the trigger.

                Btw did anybody notice that they got the EU revolver wrong?
                The drum rotates after each shot, but that is not how a revolver works, the rotation happens at the same time as the hammer is cocked.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vreki
                  Btw did anybody notice that they got the EU revolver wrong?
                  The drum rotates after each shot, but that is not how a revolver works, the rotation happens at the same time as the hammer is cocked.
                  Wow. You know an awful lot about how 22nd century revolvers will work


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vreki
                    Btw did anybody notice that they got the EU revolver wrong?
                    The drum rotates after each shot, but that is not how a revolver works, the rotation happens at the same time as the hammer is cocked.

                    I knew that but never noticed it!

                    Well spotted! :salute:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by NoseKi||s
                      Wow. You know an awful lot about how 22nd century revolvers will work
                      I saw that one coming
                      Sure you could add an electrical motor or some sort of recoil mechanism to turn the drum after the shot.
                      Thus combining the disadvantages of both revolvers and automatics.

                      But I don't really think that DICE decided to completely redesign the basic working of the revolver, they just messed up.


                      • #12
                        yeah, they screwed it up

                        but they're game developers, not gunsmiths

                        And 1.4 isn't a "myth". It'll be out, soon I believe considering the amount of time that has passed since the beta was put out.


                        • #13
                          Since Sentience has become the voice of official BF2142 related statements, this game has the "abandoned" feeling because he is very inactive in the public community. In fact, all BF2142 related forums has become less active.

                          CKMC was the best by far...


                          • #14
                            There waiting to see how many folk actually buy the game for Mac before finishing the patch. Maybe there will be new problems for a new platform that they need to take into account.

                            All I have to say, what a waste of time, no one cares about MacDonalds!


                            • #15
                              My interest in 1.4 is quickly diminishing. It was originally slated for a late July release and now we're approaching mid-September. It wouldn't be so bad if someone would give us some info on what's going on, but we haven't gotten that either. All has been silent.

